Blitz adjustments please

Wsg and twin peaks should pop without tanks. These maps are extremely fun and dps can run flags just fine, let it rain.

Ab should only have 3 nodes active at a time, similar to eots which has 2 active at one time.

Deepwind is unplayable in every game mode, delete>rework


Tanks should not be able to queue any PvP content.
AB and gorge are completely butchered from their normal version. The old mine cart version was superior to the non-blitz version and the blitz version is even worse.

AB went from the best BG in the game, to the worst.
The node rotation mechanic in AB/gorge needs to go, and gorge needs the mine cart back.


They removed the tank requirement in 10.2.6


Pretty sure he means remove tanks entirely

Agree with AB/DWG though, 9 times out of 10 they are 0 fun. Just PVEing a flag. I feel like a monkey trained to click a node every once in a while. Really fun


Yeah these modern game devs somehow took the best BG ever made (AB) and mutilated it.

CTF BGs are also stupid because they’re the only BGs where 1 team gets 0 conquest 99% of the time…
Just remove them.


I think the only way you should get 0 conquest is if you get 3 capped. If it’s 1 or 2 You should get half like the other BGs, when it’s close.

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Agreed. In fact, all outlier specs should not be able to queue. Enh shaman too weak compared to a real DPS spec? Sorry bro queue option removed. Priest too strong? Not today buddy.

Games are 0-3 or 3-0 99% of the time.
Other BGs don’t have this issue.

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Not in my experience. Three cap flag maps are very rare for me. Most are max two flag caps, with many determined by who capped last. At higher MMR in maps with no tanks many of the matches are 0 to 0 DRAWs, because many healers (for some reason) think DPS are better FCs than healers (spoiler: they aren’t).


Oh come on…

It’s so much fun when there is an enemy tank carrying the flag in WSG walking at a snail pace across the map from all the snares.

Meanwhile my team spends the entire time trying to CC and kill the healer while being crowd controlled ourselves non stop.

Eventually it comes down to the tank being ‘artificially’ debuffed because they rarely die at high rating if the team is modestly competent.

In other words, there should be other strategies that work besides waiting for those artificial debuffs before you can recapture the flag.

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My games are 2k+

You aren’t getting any draws or close matches? I was going to make a movie about how many 0 to 0 draws I’ve had because I think it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

The mount speed plus people being experienced enough to know to get out of combat and avoid fighting to use the mount speed to get to the FC multiple times before they can cross the field makes it very difficult for DPS to cross because you just eventually run of cooldowns.

I only mention MMR because at lower MMR, I have capped flags running it across the field without even being engaged a single time. That just does not happen at higher MMR.

3 to 0 matches should only happen when one side entirely just gives up or has a few people leave the match. Again, that has been very rare for me in flag maps (personally)

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Tank players have as much right to PvP as any other players.

Tanks are already limited to a maximum of 2 of 16 in any game spawned,

Both teams have a tank.

You don’t have to play tank.

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Tanks really need a redesign for pvp, however. Things that make the game not fun to play for others should be changed. Other games handled tanks well for pvp, Warhammer Online and SWTOR, for example. World of Warcraft doesn’t.


stop hijackings normal threads and trying to push your anti-tank agenda.


all the points OP made are valid.

the ab 3 nodes would be mid + 2 other nodes probably, which doesn’t change much for me. i really enjoy EOTS as tank.

i don’t really care about wsg/twinpeaks, it just feels like kotmogu for me as bdk; but i can see why the tank req exists because if 1 team gets a Gdruid or a VDH, it could feel pretty one sided.

deepwind is a horrible map when no one has any idea what they’re doin.

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Tanks in WoW often violate the most basic fundamental of PvP which is risk vs. reward. I’m not sure how adding more active utility across the board to tanks to turn them more into a “protector” role (rather than just a pure damage sponge) which adds to skill expression would be a bad thing.

the anti-tank agenda was targeted toward the people who just want them removed from pvp . or just have it reworked to be a dps.

i think the risk and reward of tank lies outside of the normal “i do damage i take damage” that people seem to focus on, while being more tuned on the rotations and synergy of players in the match overall which are more widely ignored/slow ESPECIALLY in blitz. not all tanks should be support tanks, having bunker tanks is just as cool; no spec/role homogenization.

if the most complex com being given in an rbg is “focus x” i think that’s a problem.

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other games have developers that dont plan an entire xpac around one part of the game to generate token sales. We need a leader if pvp is ever going to get anything balanced, fair or enjoyable. I can’t stress this enough. new leadership

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You either didn’t read my comment or completely misunderstood it, because replying to me with everything you just said leaves only those 2 options

Read harder next time. If I agree with OP or not, none of my opinions had anything to do with tanks

They really don’t, if you’re a blood DK in ashran there is literally no way for you to die. You can’t kill anyone, no one can kill you, you are a waste of a player slot and just annoying.

There should never be unkillable players in PvP, it’s just completely neglected PvP design at that point and laughable.
No other PvP game has characters/classes like this for a reason.

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