Bleeding Hollow Alliance Reconnections

Name: Telak
Class: Warrior
Race: Night-elf
Guild: Veridicus, War Machine


Name: Guild
Class: Priest
Race: Night Elf
Guild: Angry Beavers / Guilds Guild Named Guild
Looking for: We’ve got a few other Angry Beaver dudes all coming together to play on a PvP server horde side this time. HMU

I also played as Fortune or Fortunate
A 19 twink warrior and ran the guild Laguna Beach.
We’re getting a 19 guild together as well.
My discord name is DDRNick#0001

Hey Talek,

Just looked up your DKP… your last raid attendance was November 2006. Please show up for raids on-time! :joy:
|Telak|Warrior|102|569|441|2006-11-03 17:24:57|



Hell yeah dude! Most likely going horde on Herod

Reamous here.
Class;: warrior
race: night elf
guild: Draconian Raiders

Muddyvaynez - Human Paladin
Was in too many guilds to really list.
Muddy#1203 on Discord

The Prime Meridian has chosen the Horde side of Herod. Hope to see plenty of old BHers there!

Of Group Five, Royal Militia,

For anyone looking Royal Militia has moved over to Kel’thuzad.

Group five the name is still here on BH, i control it and am willing to let anyone who messages me in if you happen to want to dick around with retail.

Finally incase you all might not have heard Aestu, will not be joining us in classic. He had some demons that he happened to succumb to a year back. Most might remember him as a pia but he was acutally a really good guy when you talked to him, just incase anyone might be lookong feel free to message me on KT.

Denubis Human Rogue
Arkadius Human Warlock
Skot Human Paladin

I just cant remember all the guilds, couple folded and combined in a short period of time. Anklebiters, Illuminate… definately remember Telak and Wittle! 99% sure it was from Veridicus, just cant remember what character was actively raiding at the time…

Name: Weist/Cryclone
Race: Dwarf Priest/Tauren Druid
Guilds: Hmm. Reverence? Stone and Steel? I think I forayed into Fignuts for a while? SDS and Tempest on Horde.

Demonsire, Hajk, Dwigh, USD, Dreys. Anyone that PvPed for a while. Rabid! Tuhl! Grint, Warfield. Maxx.

I’ll be rolling horde with SDS on Herod, most likely!

Edit: And my OG guild, Nightguard Elite! We had a three guild raid group with Fignuts and Stone and Steel. What a time!

you should hop on the tempest discord, rbd/tuhl are there alongside a decent amount of other old alliance and horde names. trying to get everyone together.

what’s your tag?

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Gnome Warlock
Eldrich whisper

I remember your name!
I was an angry beavers member as well right up until the Ancients Way transition the guild took!
(same name for me)

Not sure if you remember me,
but I certainly remember you!

and I also had a twink in Laguna Beach… i actually still might lol!

There’s a name I recognize!


Herod is ahead on the BH server select poll. Get out there and vote if you care!

linkto. run/p/G2U6FH5L

could you add me to the disc as well?



Name: Akinahara / Akiina
Class: Bad Warlock, Priest
Guild: HP, Royal Militia
Looking for: Janor the Fat, First of His Name. Anyone of the many lovely people I got to meet and play with in vanilla/tbc/wrath.

I have no idea if RM is doing anything for classic, I haven’t seen any organization. I know Tempest is becoming a big BH nostalgiafest and I’ll be playing horde with them for classic because <3

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Wittlewage… that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.