Name: Solinar
Guild: Cataclismic Prophecy
Looking for any former members or friends I’ll be back on Alliance, along with 10-15 vanilla friends.
Lock back then mage this go around.
Name: Solinar
Guild: Cataclismic Prophecy
Looking for any former members or friends I’ll be back on Alliance, along with 10-15 vanilla friends.
Lock back then mage this go around.
Name: Ragnark (vanilla) / Lyssia Shaman Heals (Burning Crusade)
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Guild: Dissension
I remember Crabattle, Atti, Trasee, Nagap, Bordalt, Ichigobankai, Tedon, Shrapnell
I know Tedon IRL. I’ll let him know you said hi!
Batmanda- Gnome Mage
Batreya- Dran Sham
Crimson Legion players might remember me as the temporary GM
Alrand the night elf rogue got me into wow
Niortimus the human mage was my officer
I played on bleeding hollow a little later, can’t remember what my first server was.
lol, yep…
Name: Gattsu
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Guild: Qaletaga
Just looking for any former guildies or friends.
Scrunt here o/
Gnome Warlock
good fellas
Holy crap, thought I’d give this forum a gander. Whats up man! Eventually went Bighair to Bighairy to Bigfairy (mage, warrior to pally) I’m still playing, and will be rolling horde for classic
Name: Celex
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Guild: Restitution/Qaletaga
I forget most names but remember a few. Aeowyn, Cappeh, Unholyone/Unholytwo,Headies, Nahimana
Name: Celoria
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Guild(s): Anklebiters United, Royal Militia, Veridicus, Qaletaga
Looking for: Orbo, Channy, Chimpdadd, Thelm, Teez, Dek, Faylian, Pappy
(some of the people you guys are looking for are in the horde version of this thread or tempest discord. should take a look)
Welcome to the Bleeding Hollow forums!
Before you can be a member of our vast and loving community, we have a couple questions to check your credentials !
You must answer at least twenty (20) of the thirty (30) questions given to us by prominent Bleeding Hollow figures to see if you have the required knowledge to roll with the best.
Good luck!
1)How many legendary weapons did Tehbeast use?
[ ] One (1)
[ ] Two (2)
2)Rate the guild Volition’s ability as a guild on a scale of one (1) to ten (10).
4)What Bleeding Hollow guild doesn’t “PVP”?
[ ] Royal Militia
[ ] Group Five
[ ] Nemesis Knights
[ ] Power Word Drunk
[ ] Thelm
[ ] Malice
[ ] Evocation
[ ] Ruin
[ ] Lucinth
[ ] True
[ ] False
Alaena of BOP deleted ___________.
[ ] Too fat.
[ ] He made it up there, what are you talking about?
[ ] He was fapping to furries.
[ ] He was afk.
[ ] He passed out at the keyboard.
[ ] nedrage
Hi, I’m a gnome rogue and i like furry art. Who am I?
Which Alliance warrior was camped at the entrance of Blackwing Lair and by which guild?
Warrior: _____________
Guild: _____________
Warrior’s Guild for extra credit! _____________
[ ] Spacehunter
[ ] Dek
[ ] Trasee
[ ] Teez
[ ] Teffy
[ ] Asian
[ ] Hispanic
[ ] Pacific Islander
[ ] German
[ ] Black
[ ] Reverence
[ ] The Prime Meridian
[ ] Serious Business
[ ] Sock Puppets
[ ] Royal Militia
[ ] Sock Puppets
[ ] Evocation
[ ] Serious Business
[ ] Teen Girl Squad
[ ] Qaeltaga
[ ] Preform
[ ] Premade
[ ] Raid
[ ] Furries
[ ] Carebears
[ ] Mathia
[ ] Azmaria
[ ] Kaizhi
[ ] Mudgruff
[ ] Anarouch
[ ] Tempest
[ ] I Has a Bucket
[ ] Deadlights
[ ] Sock Puppets
[ ] Teez
[ ] Igy
[ ] Kaizhi
[ ] Eboshi
[ ] Eng
[ ] Dek
[ ] Beepo
[ ] Kwarty
[ ] Daneothoc
[ ] Wrain
Name two additional ones for one bonus point!
[ ] Hellaz
[ ] Igy
[ ] Ennkey
[ ] Prinny
[ ] Mayonaise
[ ] one (1)
[ ] two (2)
[ ] three (3)
[ ] four (4)
[ ] Mudgruff
[ ] Mazeltov
[ ] Rabidewok
[ ] Prinny
[ ] Cleave
[ ] Lucinth
[ ] Wrain
[ ] Draacco
[ ] Zend
Sup nerds I hear some of you are looking for me.
Perihelion#7908 on discord if you wanna hit me up.
Name: Rofle
Class: Hunter
Race: Dwarf
Guild: HP
Looking for: Anyone D: <3
Hey someone I remember from Twisted =D
Anyone know if RM is planning on having a guild on a Classic server?
O really nice i know him IRL too we studied together in College(UPR) / have not spoken to him in a long time though since he left for the airforce… Hmm might know you too IRL, dont remember been sooo long
Seeing that quiz brought a tear to my eye, I miss this server so much.
*Beepo, gnome rogue.
I’ll be returning for classic, and hype. Hide yo bikes.
Name: Agramon
Class: Warlock
Race: Human
Guild: Blades of Penance
Looking for:
any BoP raiders… blissid, glim, Alaena, Bip, luminous, raof, thorrok, tinrack, nagrim, rubyheart, aegis, saberwolf, paradise, dathremar
any people I did the pvp grind with (or against) - demonsire, jessicalight, cruise, condor, dethecus, deroth and the team awesome folks
Vael & piny, the notoriously gay duo
Apologies to any I missed (amarius, Ogden, Gladius, rathmoon, dahlin, I have you already <3)
Discord or Bnet: Ryecoke#1393
Name: Whitecooky
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Guild: BloodSphere
Looking for anyone that is still playing!
Yo Bighair,
I raided with you in TBC and Wrath on my mage and shammy who were Psiren and Semyaza . I’m rolling Horde with my irl friends for classic, but we haven’t decided on a server yet. Let me know if you’ve picked one, and hopefully I’ll see you in game.