Bleeding Hollow Alliance Reconnections

Character Name(s): Ixionvaruna (Night Elf - Rogue)/Electrifying (Draenei - Shaman)
Faction: Alliance
Guild(s): HP, Royal Militia
Looking For: Minimerlinx, Janor, Akinahara, Spasina, Jellog, Thelm, Ixion, Hardbody, Rathmoon, Isamoo, Thehate, Syrion, Nfariessence, Kameros, Dennar, Famine, Emeyin, and a whole bunch of other people whose names I can’t remember.


Lost the Server First Kael’thas to Dissension due to an unfortunate wipe at low percentages

I can’t remember if we beat them to Archimonde

But we definitely took Illidan down first

Amani War Bear ZA Cru (Akinahara never got hers)

Forums Bonus Pium:

Character name: Animal NE rogue

Name: Fallenone
Class: Druid
Race: NE
Guild: Praetorian Guard / Eternal Nightstalkers

Looking to reconnect in classic.

  • Name - Alliancemage (Human/Mage)

  • Name - Xplay (NE/Druid)

  • Guild - Knights of Prophecy and Cataclysmic Prophecy mainly

  • Finally decided to jump back on because of Classic. Not really looking for anyone specific, just looking to see who is still out there.


Name- Cleon (Gnome Warlock)
Guild- Kill on Sight (KoS), Royal Militia, Angry Beavers (All at various times)
Looking for: Bighair, John, Hossmike, Any of the other fools I used to play with. Let go kill some Horde (Hard to say… with how frequently I say “FOR THE HORDE!” now…

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Name - Irioth (Human Priest)
Guild - Basher Inc, Dissension, The Argent Guard

Looking for: Drathgar, Syns and Doru.

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Stabb, Gnome Rogue
Blades of Penance, Royal Militia, The Prime Meridian

Discord: ReJest#6109

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I remember Droz! I am not sure if I remember you though, but that was a log time ago!

Hey man! I edited my post with Discord.

I just send you a discord invite if you’re interested in re-joining with The Prime Meridian.

(Droz is still here, haha)

yo!!! played hunter for Prime meridian !!! name was nightstriker back then !!

discord Sticky#1061

Name: Bridge, NE priest
Guild: Knights of Prophecy and Cataclysmic Prophecy

To Alliancemage: Avey, Jean, Gutterpunx, myself and possibly more are all planning on rolling horde on a pvp server.

edit after talking with amage, looks like we might end up rolling alliance again


Hey bud!, its TheHate… Long time no see haha… thanks for the pictures! I remember all of those kills :stuck_out_tongue: I’m planning on playing for sure… Havn’t heard from anyone else though. Tony #9524 on disc

Name: TheHate
Class/Race: Gnome Rogue
Guild: War Machine / Royal Militia
Looking for anyone I used to play with from royal militia or war machine or any friends from tinkertown bandits
Crazy! so many of your names and guilds I remember from back then.
Tony #9524 on disc

Name: Draanimrev
Class/Race: Night Elf Rogue
Guild: Dissension

I saw a couple of you I used to play with already posted. Hi Ichi! Hi Denke! Hope to maybe see Crabattle or Atti, or Trasee and Nagap (And Dooj! Miss Dooj News!)


Name: Cynthis
Class: Rogue
Race: Night Elf
Guild: Angry Beavers
Looking for anyone from the guild! Too many to list, miss the good times from vanilla!

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I still remember when Kameros got the glaives and then immediately stopped playing.

Name: Seig
Class: Rogue
Race: Dwarf
Guild: Blades of Penance

I remember Ogden and Gladius. Never got to raid with you guys. But i did do PvP stuff with you all.


Name: Deldrimar
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Guild: Cataclysmic Prophecy

Bridge, Alliancemage…we have a decent group of people starting back up.

Hello! Been a long time. I remember talking to you and evenflow and all the other Dissension rogues in the dissrogue chat channel all the time. Not sure why you guys tolerated me in there even though I was a warrior and didn’t really PvE hahaha. Good times.

Crabattle too, awesome funny guy. And Trasee, if you manage to find her, let me know. Pretty sure I still owe her gold from when she bought my Grand Marshal weapons for me lol. Hopefully 14 years isn’t too late to pay that back haha. I was broke as hell from the pvp grind.

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