Bleeding Hollow Alliance Reconnections

January says hi.

Attention washed up Bleeding Hollow alliance players, join Grobbulus.

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Name: Ducane
Class: Hunter
Race: Dwarf
Guild: Heroes of the Universe, The Prime Meridian, Ethereal Legion

Eldrich Whisper

Name: January
Class: Mage
Guild: Loli Tentacle Fan Club / Dissension / others.
Dont know what im playing yet
Battle tag is Dislexikc#1125

SHRAP!!! the canadian!

Hey Ogden!!! How’s it going?? Not sure if you remember me but I played a human pally in The Enclave. Movac was one of my homies!! You excited for Classic?

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Gladius!!! What is up good sir!?

Name: Ereek
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Guild: The Enclave

Looking FOR… Neuromatik, Allexis, Kylemoo, Sparrow, Haraa, Laxatives (or Kax), Ryerson, Dethacus, Zoroaster, Argonot, Oblivion, Equilibrium, Gladius, Ogden, Grandir

and so many more, just can’t remember the names. Hit me up!!

The Enclave is still going strong!! Was fortunate to find old friends there too.

is nfar or corvinous alive?

Corvinous was the TF pally right? Also do you remember Landrik?

yes to both

I was talking to him on discord and he is planning on playing classic.

I remember you! I was paganist the gnome mage and my hubby was rabidwallaby (he was a dirty rogue). I wasn’t the GM but I totally remember you!

imagia here :slight_smile: night elf priest

i think you are because I was never in restitution. You might also remember codesmither…he was a lock that played with elitta and rabidwallaby a lot.

i recall that name. think the guild hes talking about is Retribution

HEY! Are you playing classic? Agramon and I are playing Horde on Herod.

Nobody let Ralitsa live this down, please


Rild - I remember when you got your obsidian edge blade and you were hyped about pvping with it. :slight_smile: