Bleeding Hollow Alliance Reconnections

I remember you EvilSoul! I was Gimbly the Dwarf Paladin Healer

were you in any other guilds? gimbly sounds kinda familiar

Hello! some of us are still around!

Jibbers where you at?
-Your Horde friends, Twinki and Doorman

Bighair… add me as a friend. Cleon #1708.

Better yet, you hang with any of the old KoS crew? Pinky… I wanna say John… or any of those guys? Sh*t, it’d be fun to reconnect with those folks too.

He’s still around :stuck_out_tongue:

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Buttons - dwarf paladin
Guilds - pantheon rangers & dissension

Hey! I remember you! I was Celex, a human warrior.

Name: Spas (and all suffixed derivatives, most notably Spasina)
Class: Priest
Race: Human
Guild: Royal Militia

Looking for: Anyone from back in Vanilla really. So many fond memories. (And some regrettable ones to be sure :wink: )

I’ve created two communities in WoW to reconnect with old acquaintances if you wish to congregate there:
Bleeding Hollow Alumni

Royal Militia Alumni

Feel free to join and looking forward to catching up with some oldschool friends and acquaintances.

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Spas! I saw your name on VanillaFriends and was hoping you’d post here eventually. How do I join the Royal Militia Alumni (Funtimes raids as Ixionvaruna, TBC progression raiding as Electrifying)?

Played since 2004 and started as Alliance.

Priest - Shohana
Druid - Hamadryad

I cant remeber the guilds I was in but I think one of them was The Brotherless

someone find wrain and i’ll bake you some cookies

Well hello there!

I’ll be on Faerlina for as long as I can stand the old school grind.

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Name: Dbag. Funbagz
Class: Hunter
Race: Night Elf
Guild: Mars, Dissension

Guy I remember you!

I remember you too!

Name: Kandaroof
Class: Paladin
Race: Dwarf
Guild: The Exiled
Looking for: Gazra, Malroch

I’ll be on Herod - Alliance side. Tag is Kandaroof#1507

You literally taught me how to properly play warrior and gave my little 14 y/o self a spot in the raids as DPS/offtank. Thanks for everything you did back then 14 years ago!

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Name: Cowenator
Class: Paladin
Race: Dwarf
Guild: Ethereal Legion