tell Evenflow I said hi and give him my tag if he wants to add me, Denkart#1664
Ereek! Sup my man!
Hah someone remembered me (Aegias). Added you on discord.
Mazeltov Human Warrior
Was with in order.
Demon WIthin > Carpe Gallum > War Machine > Super Elite > Angry Beavers > Royal Militia
With some random small guilds in between.
Nice video Telak!
do you think Elamian and Simara got married? also you left burn boys off your list. very noble of you
Hahaha slideways never accepted me
did Wyrick ever get GM with Earthshaker though
Name: Logician
Guild: Dissension
Class: gnome rogue
Played with dissension back in the mc/bwl days. If you guys are doing anything on classic wow im down to play whatever is needed!
I’ll make sure his son knows.
Genetics (Human Mage)
Fignuts (Part of StoneNutGuard Alliance: Fignuts, Stone and Steel, Twilight Guard)
Not really looking for anyone in particular.
Planning to play on Herold as BioGenetics or Nathlas
Doing well good sir! Been a LONG time!! What’s new with you? Looking forward to classic I see
Character name: Lorisa
Race/Class: Human Warrior
Guild(s): Been a while, but I remember Royal Militia and Total Annihilation
Names I remember playing with (could forget some): Arahm, Ilythiiri, Graves, Gladiator, Lightbulb, Seribus, Sugarman, Mazrimtaim, Xibata, Wesleysnipes
Ichigo what’s up buddy! Not sure if you remember me I was Dbag NE Hunter and my brother Buttons dwarf pally. What server you go play on?
What the heff did you just say to me?
Alright now let’s just simmer down now.
Hope you are doing well
Gladiator is 50/50 and i will be playing with some bleeding hollow people on Whitemane horde. i have no way to contact Ilythiiri. i think i have arahm on FB
CELORIAAAAAAAAAA – i think I still have your phone number…
boom roasted…
Name: Lauran
Guild: Started in a guild I can’t remember the name of (made up of players from Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies-Kauri server), Kill on Sight (for a while before I had to transfer servers)
Looking for: Anybody who knew me!
My best friend was Jakayla who was also in KOS then Royal Militia.
you mean Totempops!