Blazing Hippogryph drop not showing

Where is Blazing Hippogryph


its probably gone in the nether like the Swift Windsteed and Cenarion Hatchling were for me that never showed up. i claimed my blazing hippogryph like an hour ago and still isnt here either…

dont bother opening tickets about it either, Blizz says its twitch’s fault and twitch says its Blizz’s fault and nothing gets done.


kind of what I figured. I dont have mine either. Claimed it 10hrs ago


you might get lucky and it shows up tomorrow. that happened with one of the things i claimed. we’ll see tho, my faith in Blizz is gone.


yea… games been crappy.


Seems there is a server errror Blizz wont talk about. This image is from my connected accounts page. Refeshed it 9x and same message


just checked mine and got same error. still not mount IG either.


Same here, claimed 9h ago, and same error on the connected accounts page.


Gonna say the same…

Claimed 12 hours ago and nothing in my mount tab.

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I’m at 16 hours now. When I look at Collections it doesn’t even show that as a possible mount to collect.

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Mine isn’t showing either - same message as above - hopefully they fix this

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mine’s not showing-up either… wish i knew why this is happening. granted, i was logged-in when i claimed it so… maybe that has something to do with it? eitherway, not sure.

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I haven’t gotten either mount, still waiting on the windsteed and now this one, seems Bliz is full of empty promises, also didn’t get the pet but i’m not as worried about that as the mount…


I highly doubt anyone will get it till the server error is fixed

Mine just popped up now, for what it’s worth. It wasn’t here yesterday.

My Blazing Hippogryph has not show up yet either. And I have the same error on my account page too. I claimed it around 5:30pm yesterday. So, about 16 hours ago now.
Hopefully this can be fixed soon. All of my other Twitch Drops showed up instantly in game when I claimed them on Twitch. This has been the first for me that has taken longer.

same here, claimed 24 hours ago and still nothing in game. Im also getting the same “Server” error message on my Connections tab.

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I am in the same boat. It has been well over 24 hours for me now and still no Blazing Hippogryph in my collection.

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I said that’s in another thread but I will repeat it here.

If the middle man server that talks to our accounts and talks to Twitch servers is indeed down then anyone who claimed their mount on Twitch after the server error started will not receive it until the issue is fixed

People who claimed it before the server error started would most likely receive it but after a long delay. Which appears to be just what is happening.

This would also explain why many of us got the portal almost instantly but are experiencing this issue with the mount

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Claimed well over 24 hours ago and nothing. I’m almost certain at this point that I’m never getting it and it’s really quite upsetting.