Blazing Hippogryph drop not showing

Just hit 23 hours and still haven’t got mine yet.

Got the same thing.

Fresh blue post about the issue:

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Yeah didn’t get mine either, twitch account is connected so not sure whats up.

yea im over 24 hours since I claimed mine and still nothing at all love this so much

Going on 30 hours and nothing yet. This was an advertised promotion. I don’t believe that they can legally ignore the issue. Not that it would be easy to hold them responsible, but at the very least it makes me have no desire to participate in these promotions in the future, and frankly the game was wearing out it’s welcome already, anyway. This may just be the icing on the cake.

BTW I do not see an errors listed on neither the Twitch nor Battle Net account connection pages.

I submitted ticket just now. Have not received it yet. 48 hours since claim on Twitch.

Well over 24 hours here and nothing.

nice inflammatory post. :roll_eyes:

they’ve asked people to open tickets regarding this.

now they have, back before they didnt and they would just blame twitch and twitch would blame bizz. go look back to when the swift windstrider and cenarian hatchling were the drops. 2 items i claimed in twitch, my connections were fine as other drops worked, but i still never received them. maybe they finally figured out why and want tickets this time, i dunno, but last time i didnt get drops people got the run around and back and forth from them.

coming up to 50 hours now, I don’t think I’m getting it.

it’s been 2 days for me. twitch is connected i got the ethereal portal, and every other thing wow made a drop but not the blazing hippogryph… sigh what now…

I wanted to provide an update. After about 48 hours my Hippogryph finally appeared. I did not submit a ticket. It seemed to have eventually sorted itself out. Also, I am no longer seeing the “Server Error” on my account’s connections page.

I also got mine. I did open a ticket, but no one has responded to it, so it’s unclear if opening a ticket makes a difference… took about 2 days though before the mount showed up.

submitted ticket, got an autoreply after 24 hours, and it says OUR SYSTEM IS EXTREMELY BUSY, PLEASE CHECK the common issues links below (links are unrelated to this at all). LOL. What is going on Blizzard? Are you guys… umm… quit?

so re-open it.

they’re only using the tickets for data.

chances are pretty good that the mount will arrive before you get any sort of response.

mine took nearly 5 days to arrive.

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5 Days? I seriously wonder how this is being done. I claimed mine before my husband did and he just got his today while I am still waiting for three days now. Clearly its not being done in order of claim.

yea, it’s broken.

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6 months later and still nothing is wild