Blast from the past: Jarod/Shandris is unhealthy doesn't make sense

The confession of her feelings and the offer to talk. Never the kiss, despite Denona’s claim.

  1. Jokes can still contain truth 2) Being free to like whatever posts they want doesn’t mean vote brigading isn’t happening 3) I don’t think so given how the scene plays out and Tyrande plans to put them on missions together later in the book.

I like Cursewords posts not because I’m brigading you but because he has the same humor as I do and I appreciate that. If you lightened up a bit Id give you likes too.

I have nothing else to keep me entertained in these forums until March except you.


And yet that comment didn’t indicate anything about the kiss being a proposition or suggest such.

The exaggeration was saying she “tearfully and passionately propositioned Jarod”, I never said what I considered a proposition in the initial thread. That exchange on Shandris’ side was her trying to hold back her feelings but they kept slipping out. The “…” indicated there was more points. The invitation to talk can be a proposition, or the situation can lead to more; the text says just the kiss wasn’t seduction.

I don’t think that’s all there is to it, nor do I care whether or not you give me likes.

If trying to mock me is your entertainment, that’s mean and pathetic.

well I mean, you mentioned that you are redpilled and I have a unhealthy habit of trying to ‘fix’ toxic people so that could explain one level of it.

Actually I think you pretty much post clickbait titles you know will get my attention.

It’s a joke, relax. Not everything is a conspiracy against you. I like most of Rens and Curse posts, not my problem you think there’s more to it than that

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The track records of those people involved plus the habitual personal attacks says otherwise (I think you know there’s abusers and bullies who try to hide their abuse using the “I was just joking” excuse).

If you disagree that Shandris tried anything with Jarod, that’s fine. But it can be done without quote-mining and personal attacks unrelated to the thread’s topic.

Seriously, Thad lighten up.

We are engaging with you in your threads. We are answering your proposed questions, arguing a little… that’s as close to friendship it gets in these forums. I consider you a friend.

Roast us back. Spar with me intillectually. It’s boring, that all you do is regiritate the same 5 victim complex sentences.

Also, I am mean. I never claimed I was anything else… I am a Sylvanas fan after all, so I must be some kind of bad person. Or so, I’ve been told.

You spent last month complaining that I ignored you. I’ll go back to ignoring you if that’s what you want.


Real question without bait: is there examples of a healthy relationship in Warcraft?

If so, what are some notable examples?

I’ll go first, this isn’t a sexual relationship but Khadgar and Maiev in the Tomb of Sargeras audio drama has huge potential, as a frienship and something more. Sure there are some negative elements like how she comes in all angry about what happened to Cordana and starts blaming him but he apologizes and she comes to save him from Gul’dan, after she admits her anger at him was not justified and she knew Cordana’s betrayal was not his fault.

Robert Brooks wrote this and I think he’s far better at depicting healthy relationships than Knaak ever did. We all agree Knaak had some problematic writing when it came to relationships.

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How many domestic abusers and bullies have tried to excuse their abuse by claiming they were joking?

Taking your actions from multiple threads together… you’ve called me almost every leftist snarl word under the sun (including “evangelist” and “incel”…), lied about me (and did it again by complaining I spent last month complaining about you ignoring me)…

…ganged up on me, made vile accusations against me, mocked my religious beliefs repeatedly, said you’ll ignore me multiple times… and now you say you consider me a friend? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You even followed up that claim of friendship by accusing me of having a victim complex for calling you and certain others out on their disrespect towards me.

I roasted you guys back a bit, but looking back I think I got carried away at times. I’m all for intellectual sparring, I’ll consider that. I’ve also seen how you treat people you consider friends on these forums, like Baalsamael and Micah. You haven’t given them anywhere near the amount of bile you’ve given me.

We’re all sinners (me too). Whether you’re a bad person or not has nothing to being a Sylvanas fan and all to do with your choices. I never said you or anyone is a bad person due to being a Sylvanas fan.

Back on the thread’s topic, You’re right about Warcraft having a serious lack of healthy romantic/sexual relationships (ironic given what we’ve learned about Blizz from the lawsuit). My point is that the way it’s written, Jarod and Shandris have all the makings of an unhealthy one. And I agree that Brooks > Knaak.

I never saw Khadgar and Maiev as more than friends. I did suspect there was a thing between Khadgar and Cordana in WoD and Legion, and wish that could have been explored more.

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Micah and I used to get into crazy spats but now he’s one of the people I look forward to talking to and I genuinely consider him a friend. He’s a hardcore Genn and Worgen fan, I’m a hardcore Sylvanas and Forsaken fan. The story pits us against eachother.

I feel like the general consensus in this forum is that respect is earned and I didn’t start off with a lot of respect either and I took everything personally. Once I lightened up, showed my ability to laugh at myself and engage with people I disagreed with, the forum life became easier for me. I see you struggle, not just with me, and like I said, I’m a sucker for people who feel like they are being bullied.

Lately I feel like I’m being too hard on Baal too.

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Yes! I feel a bit if a hypocrite because my favorite ship (Sylvanas and Nathanos) is super toxic, it’s one of the reasons I liked Shadows Rising. I don’t think having toxic ships is bad if the story actually slowed down enough to examine how or why these relationships are toxic… I feel like a lot of these interpersonal relationships get lost in the bigger stories about the world ending and are never explored deeper.

This is a topic I would like to talk about in great length.

I do think it was a bit tacky that Shandris chose Shalasyr’s funeral to air out her feelings for Jarod, you are right she could have waited for a better time. And that relationship has been completely ignored since Wolfheart. Jarrod was right though, Shandris will always choose to follow Tyrande, Shadowlands is a good example of that. Shandris’s love for her mother is more important than any romantic relationship. (can you imagine having Tyrande as a Mother-in-law? That’s terrifying :rofl: there is one universal Warcraft truth: You do not want to be on Tyrande’s hit list.)

Thinking back on when we first met, it’s crazy to think we would find the dumbest things to fight about just to be spite each other. But that’s what seperates me and you from Thadeus, even we do get into heated debates, even now, we will eventually calm down and apologize. Thadeus just can’t let things go :wolf: :heart:

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You’re right about respect being earned. And Evelysaa and I made peace. Your treatment of those others doesn’t change or justify your treatment of me, by comparison. Also, I’ve never made a thread title just to get your attention.

Having a bad relationship in a story is fine, as long as it’s depicted as such and not considered good or encouraged (looking at you, Twlight book series). imo an example of a toxic relationship done well in a story is Harley Quinn and the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series.

And it wasn’t just at Shalasyr’s funeral… but right next to and while looking at her corpse, too. I just don’t think it makes sense for Shandris to carry such a torch for Jarod. Shandris moving on and focusing on her people is fine. I agree about the Sylvanas/Nathanos relationship. I wonder how that will go in Patch 9.2.

Tyrande as a mother-in-law lol. Get on her bad side… between her high rank, powers from Elune, her fierce personality. Danger.

Good for you and Renautus, Micah. You accuse me of being unable to let things go, how rich!

I don’t hold you personally accountable for Genn’s actions which makes it easier to not take your anger over Sylvanas personally. Your feelings are valid.

Thank you for being an equally respectful person <3 even when the forum was against me you always gave me the benefit of the doubt and defended me. I appreciate that.

Thad, you literally called me an apostate, and judged the hell out of me for it, get off your high horse.

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That’s a great example. I disliked how Suicide Squad doubled down on the toxicity of Harley and Joker. I liked Birds of Prey only because Margo had more control over how Harley was depicted.

The song “you don’t own me” was a good added touch as well as Harley taking accountability for letting Joker get away with his toxicity, gave her more agency.

I was just thinking about the rammifications to Sylvanas’s character if she sacrificed Nathanos to help the Jailer win, and now she’s on the side of the heroes to stop the Jailer. What if she never gets Nathanos back? Will that be the thing that really cuts her deep? I don’t want to lose Nathanos as a character, because I love him, but that might be the biggest loss Sylvanas experiences and she did it to herself. I want her to stew on that for a while, she definitely deserves it. 9.2 is going to bring angst for Sylvanas and Nathanos fans like myself. His love for her may have really lead to his complete obliteration, what a dummy, was she worth it? I guess the new book will clarify that.

Plus unresolved issues with Tyrande… I’m dreading 9.2 already…:rofl::joy::disappointed_relieved::cry::sob:

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Just like I don’t hold you responsible for Sylvanas actions. I actually love that you and Deathisfinal love her soo much. It’s not often you find people who truely love a character, flaws and all.

I respect how you feel about her and your feelings are just as valid. I get there are certain things we will simply never agree on :wolf: :heart:

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I wish I coukd give this comment more than one heart. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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What’s rich about it though? You’re the only one who thinks there’s some massive plot against you by a small group of people. Honestly don’t what to tell you :wolf:

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Thad, you’ve accused me too much of being a lefist as a negative.I think you see me being a feminist as a negative too, I can see that you’ve let being redpilled turn you against women in general, I think that’s the state of the world right now to find all the differences between left and right. But I have supported you before especially when to comes to mens issues.

I think it’s terrible that society doesn’t recognize SA against men the same way it demands justice for women. I hate that men are treated as disposable in our society. I agree with you that men’s mental health is important and overlooked by society unless it’s a threat to society as a whole. I agree that society puts too much pressure on men financially to support families in a growing economic crisis. I support men’s rights to birth control and adoption. You’d be surprised how much we share common values. You think I haven’t gotten to know you this whole time we’ve been in these forums together? and yes I generally do consider you a friend, whether you see that or not.

I enjoy your threads. (when they are more than just obvious as hell bait)


Considering nightsabers slow strut walking animation, this description is hilarious to me.

If Shandris really wanted Jarod, she should have went full Vince McMahon strut.