Blast from the past: Jarod/Shandris is unhealthy doesn't make sense

Ahhh, yes you did. The proof is in your opening post. You even acknowledged that it was an exaggeration on your part later on.

You acknowledged that it was. In your opening post. Then you got proven wrong. So don’t play the, “well actually I never said that, therefore I am not wrong” card when it can be easily proven that you in fact did say that. Even more so when you ADMITTED that it was an “exaggeration”. Although it was more like you flat out lied about it and are calling it an “opps, I was just exaggerating” to cover your tracks.

Clearly you don’t.

Lies make baby Jesus cry. But I guess, like Scott Morrison, you believe otherwise.


I think you are exaggerating the scene. She just wanted closure. He left without saying goodbye or anything.

Jarod made a life with Shalasyr but he barely knew her when they ran away together. He was running away to escape staying when he was against what happened. He knew Shandris would choose to side with Tyrande. In a way he was also running away from his feelings for Shandris.

She deserved closure.

And if he does move on with Shandris, Shalasyr I think would be okay with it. She literally knew she was going to die and made him go to Teldrassil so he wouodn’t be alone. Sge was hoping he’d have people there like Shandris to comfort him in his grief.

Making this scene sexual and insulting is your own weird projection… why? I think your Christian guilt around sex is showing big time in this thread.


You really thing that Blizzard gives serious thought to the biological aspects of immortality? As been described the Night Elves were pretty much putt on suspension after attaining adulthood by the blessings of Nordassil. That’s gone now so they’re again normally again.

As for Shandrris I could see her taking occasional recreation from both sides of the street, the same way Wonder Woman reminds Lois Lane. “We are after all, an island of only women.”


It is telling that you even ask this question.

Maybe they had an opinion they felt was relevant?

Believe it or not, people have opinions on things such as religion.

You seem to be the person who thinks sharing an opinion equates to starting an argument.

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He should change the Title to “Is Shandris a Jezebel temptress, Y or N? And will I go to Hell if I have a crush on her?”

The answer is no to both.


Now now, we can’t have the hate squad picking on him now :wolf:

But honestly, he obviously misinterpreted that entire scene


She is quite aware of what happened. She decided to move on with her life and focus on her duties. That doesnt mean that you are not allowed to have pangs of regret and melecholy especially when you suddenly see the “one that got away” suddenly appear after 10,000 years.

Also, everyone’s biological clock literally stopped. In fact it was a plot point in wolfheart(and why Jarod was in Teldrassil in the first place) that the night elves were slowly realizing their clocks had restarted again(a wrinkle here and there, death from mortal means etc).

Lastly, I thought you of all people wouldnt be shaming anyone about their biological clock? People(men and women) shouldnt be pressured/shamed to have kids/have a family just because of our biological clocks(and if people chose not to have one for one reason or another, that should be fine as well)

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Retconning Wolfheart completely doesn’t stop Varian’s anger from being taken away, it just takes away an explanation for why it’s gone.

I said the kiss wasn’t a proposition in response to Zerde accusing me of saying it was.

Quote the exact words where I’d supposedly previously said I’d considered the kiss a proposition. You cannot, for I didn’t. Remove the plank out of your eye.

Except that you did say it was. In the very first post.

I QUOTED YOU SAYING IT. ARE YOU REALLY THIS BLIND. You even admitted that it was an “exaggeration” later on when you got called out on it. Stop with your high horse nonsense. Just stop lying. For once please stop lying.

Me saying “clearly acknowledged the kiss wasn’t a proposition” doesn’t mean I ever said or considered the kiss a proposition.

People wrongly assume I was referring to the kiss when I said proposition, and double down when I point out that’s not the case. Again, where exactly had I called the kiss itself a proposition?

This is extremely funny. You know exactly what comment I am referring to. I even quoted you saying it. Want me to link it again?

Geez, I wonder why when you later admitted that you were wrong and that it was an “exaggeration” on your end.

So tell me, what exactly were you calling a “proposition”? Shandris showing up? Shandris saying hello to Jerod? Shandris comforting an old friend? The main thing you drew attention to was the kiss. That was the basis for this whole thread. Your whole argument began on false grounds and you are trying to salvage what you can by trying and failing to do “gotcha” moments.


While I can understand wanting closure, it’s telling Shandris didn’t move on in the following millennia and chose that time of all times.

I never said it was insulting, just poorly written and unhealthy in-universe. And why the personal attack? I think you might have a thing for me and overcompensate for that with all these insults.

I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic, but given certain people have come out swinging with the personal attacks against me and vote-brigading for each other in this thread…

This further reminds me of the “Zovaal’s gender-confused soul” thread.

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Why does it remind you of that thread? Or do you mean because of the people involved?

You used hyperbole in that thread to get attention and when people called you out on it you double downed instead of fixing the mistake.


Believe it or not, that’s not what I meant in this thread. And there was no mistake in the last one, my choice of title unintentionally triggered a few people, and because of their disrespectful treatment of me (which is also appearing here, from some of those same people), I decided not to change it.

You wish. :rofl:

  1. It was mostly a joke 2)We’re allowed like whatever posts we want 3)Take on what happened is still a misinterpretation on your part :wolf:

So what exactly is the proposition that you’re referring to?