A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

I’ve explained numerous reasons I disapprove of this story arc; you claiming it’s only about religion is Ad Hominen and a strawman.

You didn’t answer my question about why bother changing Sargeras’ motives or explain how the Jailer’s “betrayal” angle is irrelevant.

If Xe’ra was written as being in the right, would you have accepted that? Illidan jobbing Xe’ra and us blinding trusting Xal’atath in BfA are two examples of the game’s poor writing.

Illidan chose to keep his fel fix and killed someone who came between him and his fix; like if a crack addict killed the people staging an intervention for them. Seriously, Edgydan could’ve broke free and used his words instead of going full fedora-tipper.

Ironically, Xe’ra was partially right about Illidan in a way; Illidan used fel magic – at that time in the lore a by-prodcut of “Light and Shadow” and helped defeat the Burning Legion, helped us take away the demons’ key to immortality and helped the Titans imprison Sargeras “…ending the age of demons”. Just like in Xe’ra’s prophecy to/about Illidan.

If Illidan had let Xe’ra do it, that’s not forced. Your claim “It’s literally the crux of your Illidan argument; he should have let Xe’ra force convert him if he didn’t have a better argument.” was self-refuting.

Credit where credit is due, thank you for the niceness, scant as it was… yet you’ve attacked me indirectly, such as even bringing that kind of joke up; don’t spit in my ear and tell me it’s raining.

Renautus, you claim you see me as a friend…

…then lie about me and attack me out the other side of your mouth (I never said anything about conversion therapy or endorsing). There’s a difference between people roasting each other, and one person lying about the other. And you wonder why I don’t trust you, Renautus, lol

If Kyle was left-wing, and his attackers right-wing, would you still have opposed Kyle’s actions, Micah? If that was the case, I’d still be fine with his acquittal. And I wonder how much of a payout he’s going to get if he sues all those companies and news outlets that defamed him during the trial.