Blast from the past: Jarod/Shandris is unhealthy doesn't make sense

Interesting enough, Sylvanas got the Jezebel treatment. Foreign queen, alien lover of a Lordaeron native. Written off as a temptress worshipping evil gods. Usurped by a revolution of nativist rebels who cite her foreign-ness as reason to oppose her. Her lack of horde racial purity, polluting the true horde.


My biggest complaint has always been how blizzard did sylvanas dirty, narrative wise. She used to be such a interesting character, that whether or not you agreed with her actions, you could at least sympathize with her. Now? Not so much, which is sad. :wolf:


I don’t like how Blizzard pulled a 180 on her character in BFA after doing so much to make us feel like she was actually making strides towards redemption in Legion. It felt like whiplash. I’m not happy with her Shadowlands arc so far. I’m not thrilled they are going to make the Jailer somehow tricking her as an excuse. It seems like a lame cop out.

I’m over her being in the spotlight and I would rather her character go back to being introspective and on the down low. I hate that suddenly she’s become everyone’s hyperfocus for better and for worse.


That’s my biggest issue really, and it really boils down to how BfA and SL handled her character. I said this multiple times now, I’m not against her being redeemed. I just really hate how hamfisted it feels right now though. If that helps understand where my frustration comes from. :wolf:

I do like the char, and I truely do wanna fall in love with the sylvanas I’ve known since WC 3/TFT. I used to be one of her biggest defenders during Cata era believe it or not


Exactly. A master of strategy, manipulation and war… completely ignored the infinite amount of red flags about Zovaal and how he only wants to rule through force… until the last second because he said “serve”. And that is after she launched a genocide on the Night Elves which triggered an all out war between the two superpowers. While actively aiding in Azshara freeing N’zoth because the Old God would cause more death all because “Uncle Z told me to”.


True that about Suicide Squad.

I have no idea what will happen to Nathanos. I think the most likely situation is the Jailer’s holding his soul to use him against Sylvanas to hurt her and/or as a bargaining chip. He might even be a raid boss ala Ner’zhul in Sanctum of Domination.

I don’t think Tyrande’s going to kill Sylvanas in 9.2… but I hope Tyrande doesn’t die there either.

On a side note, now to address these issues you raised;

Don’t try to play the victim with that. This sort of thing is why I doubt whether you’re sincere. I called you an apostate after you referred to yourself as a “recovering Catholic”; leaving a religion is literally what being an apostate is. And you judged me too.

I’ve admitted I went a bit far at times.

And yet you’ve accused me of being far-right, an incel, the “bad kind” of Evangelist, opposing consent, quite a few of the popular “ist” or “phobe” accusations and more. You also accused me of being turned against women in general simply for stating a couple of facts I agree with from the redpill community. You’ve even said I should apologize for giving you and others some of what they’ve given me without even offering an apology to me in turn. Then after all that and the vote-brigading, you claim you always considered me a friend and all that. Are you trying to insult my intelligence?

Do you realize why I see you as two-faced now?

We share some common values, and with or without those, I’m willing to bury the hatchet between us, but I’m not stupid; trust also has to be earned, and you haven’t earned mine (quite the opposite by this point). Prove me wrong.

I never said there’s a massive plot against me by a small group of people, Micah. I said there’s a few people who dislike me and keep ganging up on me. Hardly a “massive plot”. It’s rich that you accuse me of not letting things go when you keep making unprovoked personal attacks against me on various threads of mine.

I made a joke about ganging up on you because of how sensitive you are. Take a deep breathe, calm down and stop taking everything so personal. You really need to relax dude. Not everything I say is a personal attack. :wolf:

You are hella judgmental, and you play the victim card in every single one of your responses. That’s why you are not well liked. It has nothing to do with me being two faced, that’s your projection because you don’t believe I’m sincere. It’s your loss.


I didnt really have a problem with BFA. SL is so bad though.


SL is bad for a lot of reasons. Characters acting ooc, forced retcons to Wrath, etc. It’s a pretty large list :wolf:

Welcome back!

What are your thoughts on the direction they are going with Sylvanas?

That’s how I interpreted it. Many of us can share in that sentiment of a past love or puppy love that never fostered into anything more. It haunts us, but it isn’t anything other than an ember or an echo of what could of been.

Love is weird, and they both are very mature people. I assume that they respect each other enough to leave it at that. Given their status and nigh immortality, plus the fact most Kaldorei are dead. The two can reunite if only to rekindle the hope for their species. Propagating the species may not be the most precient thought, but it’s definitely a factor should they ever reconsider their feelings.

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I think you like toxic relationships too. Yrel and AU Garrosh, Harley and Joker, Arthas and Sylvanas. You’re a little kinky arn’t you? Have you ever explored this dominant and submissive kink in a healthy setting before?

No shame from me if it’s something you like. I’d rather people have healthy outlets than unhealthy ones. This topic is on healthy and unhealthy depictions of romance and power struggles are a huge factor in wow relationships.


We haven’t heard a peep about Jarod and Shandris’ relationship since Wolfheart. Huln calls her a friend of Jarod Shadowsong, but that’s it.


My thoughts are, “Really? Thats it? This is the entire arc? This is the master plan Sylvanas promised loyalists they would understand the next time they saw her? This is what the entire purpose of burning her character amounts to?”

In a word, “incredulous.”

I literally dont believe that this was ever the intention of any of Sylvanas’ writers. No one person wrote this story. None of the writers wanted this.


I feel this too. I’m so unbelievably dissapointed.

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You call me judgmental? Pot, meet kettle.

I have good reason to distrust you. I’m willing to be proven wrong about this, but right now your hypocrisy and ongoing defamation of me proves my point. If you really want to prove you’re sincere, try something else (like dropping the personal attacks, for one).

I just thought Yrel and AU Garrosh could work because romance among villains in WoW is almost unheard of and it’d give them actual characterization instead of “rah rah fanaticism”.

I never said I approved of Harley and the Joker’s relationship in and of itself, just that it was an accurate, well-written depiction of a toxic relationship showing why they shouldn’t be together and how bad the Joker is for Harley.

I never shipped Arthas and Sylvanas and I don’t support that; assuming that wasn’t yet another attempt to defame me, what made you think otherwise!?

Apart from your several valid points, Cameron, I have two objections. I don’t think the Kaldorei’s were facing underpopulation at this point. Also, Shandris apparently wasn’t mature enough to not have this discussion at the funeral of Jarod’s wife and right next to her corpse.

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How am I defaming you?

You are not on trial. You don’t have a good enough opinion here to be slandered, I’m just trying to remove the stick you have firmly planted in the mud.

Have some fun Thad.

Fun? On the story forums? What is this thing called fun you speak of? Dontcha know lore is serious business?! Huh?!

Oh look! A tennis ball! Be right back! Runs off to chase it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wolf:

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