Blah Community Council let down

Umm, the OP talks about how people feel about the council since it’s creation. Feelings can’t be false, maybe disingenuous at times, but not false. I’m sure people have unmet expectations about the council. The council threads are closed to replies by outsiders. Let people speak and react here. You can’t control all speech. People will just make a new discord.


They’re all pretty much okay with time-gating or haven’t brought it up as much as they should, so their opinions are pretty irrelevant, in my opinion.

Just a bunch of out-of-touch players who don’t know what’s good for the game except for what they want.

Oh cool, the CC forums are now devolving into greens telling other greens what they should and shouldn’t carry in their bags.




Microsoft has no power over Activision -Blizzard or any of it’s companies yet .

The deal still has to go regulatory review by most likely the FTC before it is fully approved and that can easily take a year or more . That is why they are saying it will be around 18 months before they take over .


So let me look at the first ten posts on the community forum atm:

Flying Mounts in no flight zones
Tier Set Design Questions
Fixing Gear Disparity
PVP Gearing in Shadowlands
Inventory is Full
Armor and Weapon Classes
Ideas to Improve Paragon Reputation Rewards
“One Use” Currencies
State of TBC Servers
Honor Point Improvements for TBC

So in this small sampling we have posts about casual matters, Tier gear, pvp, quality of life issues, reward systems and currencies, and Classic/TBC concerns. To me this indicates a wide range of discussion points, though I personally could do with a bit more disucssion on things like professions and ‘old world’ use going forward.

For me its like damned if you do/don’t with regard to the CC. Its polarizing and people would always find something good or bad about it - especially bad, because it will never be exactly what they want it to be, or achieve what it should be achieving.


Fair point, although I’m not sure anyone is really excited to see people on CC who have an elitist attitude over what people store in their bags. That’s absurd and I’m both shocked and disappointed to see that kind of unproductive garbage on there.

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Seriously? What’s elitist about discussing the forms of storage used in the game, along with suggestions as to what could be put into the game? It’s just discussion on a game system, I didnt see anything about elitism. Did I miss a point about “oh lets give high end raiders an extra bag” or something???


The 2 biggest problems with the CC are as follows and none of this is the fault of the playerr members.

1: Not enough interaction from the Blizzard side of the council yet .
(Yes there has been some but more is needed)

2: People are hating on the player members because they are making threads about what the members are concerned about and not the concerns the person raging over their thread is concerned about.

As for #1. This was Blizz’s idea so they need to step up to the plate and be more active or flat come out and go we are canceling the Community Council .

For #2 … Just stop people with the "THey only took high end players " No I’ve checked it out and there have been various topics covering high end to casual .
Stop with the "They don’t talk about player concerns " No they don’t talk about your concerns. They do talk about what concerns them in the game and maybe when they get more members someone might bring up your concerns . Who knows it might even be you .

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I guess you missed the long-winded post where one CC member dunked on another over what they had in their bags?

Just out of curiosity I took a peek over there just now… and noticed a blue actually responded to a thread about “i don’t like flying mounts appearing when i hit random mount button!” :clown_face:

Of all the pressing/far more serious issues with the game at the moment, something as TRIVIAL/something as fluff as being upset about a “random mount” button is what gets a blue-post?? Ok then… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I wouldnt consider it dunking it was more true what was said my bags could be cleaner but more that I was forced to carry certain things because XYZ blizzard thing

Could they be cleaner? Perhaps. Should that be anyone else’s business? Nah. Should someone’s “dirty bags” be a reason for everyone else to not have more bag space? Absolutely not.

I just found it awful that your bag space usage was zeroed in on and used as an excuse for why people think we don’t need more bag space.

You’re spot-on regarding what Blizzard essentially forces you to carry around. Play more than one PvE spec? More bag space is used for gear and consumables. Play PvP too? Even more bag space used. Play any SL content at all? Enjoy having your bags further cluttered with anima items and other SL-specific items that could’ve just been a currency. Play any other form of content as well? Hope you have room for loot.

You are not at all wrong. We’re expected to carry more and more things around with us but we haven’t seen an increase in available bag space for quite a while. We’re also expected to put more and more things in our banks.

It’s like the limit on the quest log. We get more and more quests, including auto-accepts that we can’t get rid of, shoved down our throats but we’re still stuck at the hard limit of 25.

“Your bags are dirty” is such a terribly lame excuse for saying “we don’t need more space!” and ignores the actual problems surrounding the limited bag space.

I didnt read the comments, mate. I just listed the topics. People, whoever they are, are entitled to their opinions on things. You are entitled to yours, they are entitled to theirs. Thats about as entitled as anyone should be imo.

I’m not sure anyone wants to see the CC turn into GD, but that’s what it’s starting to do.

Well, unless they turned off comments, not sure how they could do that. In a group of 100 people, you can pretty well assume that 10% of them will say and do silly things. Being in that forum doesn’t change that.

In regard to bag space, my vote would be to do what ESO does - provide a bottomless materials storage system. So the minute you pick a herb or mine an ore or collect a skin or cooking mats or cloth, it is automatically deposited into that invisible endless storage. So your bags are purely for what you collect that isnt materials. And when you need to use it, it just comes out of there. And if you want to sell any of it, you can transfer it from the storage to your bag to sell.

Ah lordy, that would make life a lot more simple.

“Blues” are not game developers. They’re just glorified forum mods.

Uh, devs are posting on CC. Blue does not automatically mean mod or CM.

It will say “WoW Developer” under their name if they’re a dev.

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Blue is what all Blizzard staff are. There are quite a lot of them that post on the forums.

  • Community Managers rarely mod, although they can.
  • QA will post on occasion in Bug Report given that is their sandbox
  • Forum Support Agents post on CS and TS
  • Devs and various other roles post sometimes on Alpha, Beta, PTR, and now the CC forum.

They normally have a tag near their name telling you what their role is. The Intro thread on CC goes into exactly what each of the Blues there does. Moderation is not something they are doing.

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I guess that’s one of the ways I’ll grade the sale to Microsoft and it’s value.

Will communication improve, and will it start to feel like the community and devs both want what’s best for the game?

No more “you think you do, but you don’t” moments would be nice.