Blah Community Council let down

No Blues are actual Blizzard Entertainment Employees. Some of them are Devs .

A lot of the CC threads that are made by the players with a blue Blizzard logo next to it have been Devs responding

The keywords here are “responsible corporations”. Those words do not characterize ActiBlizz. In fact, I would say that those words are pretty much the opposite of what characterizes ActiBlizz.

Semper Fi! :us:

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Uh, you’re delusional.

Sure thing there mister level 11!

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The truth does not change depending on the level of posting char. I was asked to pick one and stick with it back in 2013 when I was turned green. So here I still am.

Do you have something to say about the different tags on the Blue posts that differentiate them?

The actual forum mods don’t even post usually. They just handle report tickets.

Why? Because I can read “WoW Developer” under their name and you can’t or refuse to?

/checks back in on this thread

Quick bump for the drama

/slips back out

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Desvin, who replied to my PvP gearing post is Holinka’s forum account. They are definitely devs in the CC forums.

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Yea, tbh, I haven’t seen much of any discussion of major, controversial issues that plague the game. Questions that would actually leave devs mad bc someone isn’t drinking their kool-aid. Instead, we see A LOT of personal desires being voiced over what’s best for the community and a lot of what i call “yes-men” answers that merely hype up the dev’s rather subpar content and decisions.
For example: the MT. It was a very heated topic. 97% of people who put the time and effort into were screwed. However, the forums were filled with the 3% who actually could complete the fight. What did we see on CC? 1 post about how they didn’t have any issues with the fight so good job blizz (I paraphrase of course.)
Or what about the horrible recent decisions to make 2nd leggo rep-gated and the conduit upgrade thing CE locked? Really, conduits that don’t even add 2% all together locked behind CE? CC: crinkets.
I am not here to argue the examples, I am here to point out that the CC has been nothing more then what everyone already knew it would be: a PR stunt filled with yes-men and white knighters telling blizz they are doing a good job so they have another layer of “but CC told us this so that’s community feedback.”

LMFAO! Thanks for the laughs.

Keep towing the rope…

OMG!! You must be so excited!!

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council is a dumb idea , riot approach is easier VOTE everyone votes on this or that boom majority is happy , also id be careful of being negative toward council members ezpz to get a few weeks banned from forums .

Does anyone from the Council has any information on Prosiden threads?

Due to him being removed from the CC are those topics dead threads , because i consider that some are valid questions and actually several members did a exchange of ideas on those threads, some of those are the oldest on the community council without an answer from Devs yet.

if Devs won’t reply to those, please consider creating new ones for same topics.


How is it that Worldpvp made an important and relevant post 7 hours ago and no one else on the council has chimed in? In 7 hours? No one has thoughts about timegating?

The miserable state of Warcraft’s storytelling is one of the most talked about aspects of WoW’s weaknesses these days, something almost every other modern MMO does better…not one thread about the story as far as I can tell in a month+ of the council existing…that’s borderline unbelievable.

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Some council member mentioned that Blizzard didn’t pick the 100 members like 2 weeks ago, i don’t know about at this date , but i don’t think there’s 100 members on that council which it’s weird because its almost February, also during the video announcing this forum, Devs mentioned some calls with council members, i could assume those will be like the Q&A between Lore CM and Ion via youtube or some stream platform, however there’s not any announcement about an activity like that yet.

I think the CC was launched to soon.

At this point it would be the best to go through every feature the game has to offer and rather ask what made the old expansions great. Biggest example for this is the purposely ruined world quest feature from Legion: You could join every world quest in a group, automatically without any issues.

Why was it changed? For MAU? And secondly, there is not enough stress on faction imbalance discussions, including race diversity for the Alliance. If you want to be mean you can also add the highly requested Void Elf/High Elf changes (EE glyph, title change).

And this is what Mirasols forgets about the community: The community serves us to represent us and so far Halite has done a splendid job but this is to be expected from an ArgentDawn-EU player.

Few council members asked things like that, but i wish they could replicate some post from those forums into the other forums, so people could just reply and if they want more ideas and inputs, they could read other concerns among the playerbase. It’s not their job but it could be a better way to engage the playerbase, that’s why we’ve this kind of post and because the reply ratio from Blizzard is low (CC was launched too soon, it was in the middle of holidays and a patch development).

A CC member could perfectly create a thread like:

RNG drops less that 1%…insert some comments

own council member ideas:

  • Idea 1

  • Idea 2

Some post and ideas from the forums even if those goes in the oposite direction from what the council member wants:

  • drops should remain the same as per some community members…etc

  • another idea… use URL to any post related.

They could choose to interact with the rest of the community if they want or just provide their own ideas, it was created to represent us, however Blizzard didn’t create guidelines like that they’ve to reach the playerbase that wasn’t selected. I still have my doubts with the whole idea.

You’re asking too much from those people, like, opening topics and asking for ideas.

You definitely need a Snickers bar or something.