I do not think they are supposed to represent us as much as they are supposed to be representative of us. Based on my understanding the CC members are a sampling of the WoW player base that Blizz can have focused conversations with as a proxy to having the conversations with all players. Expecting them to be a literal representative of we players puts an unfair burden on the CC members. If they want to interact with us, that’s great, but that’s not what they signed up for, based on my understanding.
we expected otherwise?
I didnt.
They don’t care about our ideas or thoughts.
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Yes master loot so master looter can distribute all the loot for the first 3.months to their officers
Great …
Just delete it.
Delete it and move on.
Was in a top 300 ish US guild that raided 2 nights a week during WoD. On my priest. ML was awful . If you weren’t In the click you got the scraps . I know very well how it works . I prefer the game deciding for me . But doesn’t really matter much anymore as I pretty much stopped raiding after legion .
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