Blackwing Lair is open in Season of Discovery!

Actually this isn’t my SOD character, I did the raid last night at 9 EST and cleared everything and got T2 pants. So hurray for me!

so your hiding on an alt

Yes I use this alt to talk on the forums

pretty common practice I think

But yes, I play an orc warrior in SOD


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… for 60 minutes.

In the grand scheme of all the things that could go wrong with a system release - yeah, this is minor.


This situation was completely avoidable. Losing an hour out of a 2-3 hour raid window is significant. Stop defending the developers and their toxic behavior, as well as their inability to re-release 20-year-old content for the fifth time without bugs.

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You’re right.

The issue didn’t exist on the PTR. It was unforeseeable that it would manifest in the production environment.

They fixed it as soon as they became aware of it.

It was inconvenient and shouldn’t have happened, sure. But they handled it professionally, all things considered, and WoW fans are unpleasable whingers if nothing else.

There are plenty of other things people could legitimately complain about Blizzard. This really is not one of them.


Given that you’re only level 30, your opinion on this matter doesn’t hold much weight since you can’t even enter the raid.

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  1. Ad-hominen fallacy.
  2. This toon clearly is not my SoD character (not even on a SoD server), so thanks for demonstrating your lack of critical thinking skills.
  3. You didn’t even address my point (because I know you don’t have an answer).

Once again, an unplayable bug is by definition not minor.

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Brock Purdy, thank you for throwing 3 tuddies to Jauan Jennings. If you could repeat that this week that would be great. :smiley:

Define that using parameters that fit within their field of work.

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No its not, and neither is raiding.

Want your 2 cents back?

If you raid for 2 hours a week and lose 1 hour, you’ve lost half of your allotted raid time for the week, which is significant.

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So what is being done about the fact that multiple raids got their BiS weapons for an entire roster of one class, while everyone else gets shafted by Blizzard “fixing” that bug today?

Are those items being removed from players who “duped” them by following the rules of the game (items in a raid can be traded)? Are the rest of us just out of luck for weeks?

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If you consider time spent on a video game as important, at which time, you’ve flown the coop.

I value the time spent enjoying the company of my friends while playing; it’s about more than just playing a video game.

If you consider any of the amount of your life that you choose to spend doing something as unimportant, that’s pretty sad.

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Burning Adrenaline seems to be a bit bugged for casters as they are taking on extra damage from spell power, and they seem to be going out at a faster rate so we are constantly wiping on Vael. Unsure if this is intended or a bug?