Blackwing Lair is open in Season of Discovery!

We have a couple of notes for those of you seizing the Orb of Command–

  • Unlike what some testers may have experienced on the PTR, Vaelastrasz will not insta-kill the tank at 17 stacks of Burning Adrenaline.
  • Chromaggus will cast his Brood Affliction debuffs like in Original WoW or Classic Era. His Season of Mastery Afflictions that have an effect when dispelled are not present in Season of Discovery.

Good luck in there!


1st post.
Anyone wanna take bets on over or under on bugs released with the raid?

lets go with middle do you think it will be less or more then 5?

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Bosses dropping no loot. Fun!


We’re aware of an issue with the end of the Razorgore encounter, and we’re fixing it as quickly as possible.

Edit-- The issue is now fixed.

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What a surprise, the multi million dollar triple A video game company cannot properly playtest and release a 20 year old raid.


It is a small team working on something that otherwise may have never been done in the first place. Calm down Chadwick.


Can Main Gauche increase Sinister Strike threat by maybe 100%? Main Gauche(tanking rune) is still behind Saber Slash and Mutilate on threat. Please and thank you!

Excited for phase 5!

You pay 15 dollars a month, for this team to not playtest a door? And you defend that nonsense? There is zero way an issue like that would ever get past any playtesting. It’s literally the first encounter in the instance. Please hold your money and time to higher standards.


BWL gate locked after wiping on broodlord and cannot attempt again


Hoooooly crap. Imagine a world if at the meeting someone said ‘let’s do Classic’ and then someone else says ‘No’. What then ya chud? Would you even be throwing this tantrum?

I’m not excusing issues. I’m understanding WHY there might be issues and that they will be fixed, which he said they were fixed within (at least) the hour of the issue post. (or sooner).

I do. It’s called doing something else and not having a tantrum on a forum for a, at the most, hour fix.

Rather than be so fixated on money and time, perhaps reprio your life. Sheesh.


How can you release the same raid 5 times in a row and still full of bugs

  1. Retail bwl release
  2. Wow classic bwl release
  3. Wow Som bwl release
  4. Wow hardcore bwl release
  5. Wow sod bwl release

So you guys just don’t have any standards at all?

Maybe time number 6 you will provide a quality product on release🤣


BWL gate locked after wiping on brood lord and cannot attempt again

I think this is a little overdramatic. You can try again next week.


Pointing out this dev team’s pure incompetence is having a tantrum? I, the customer, have the right to complain about the product. ESPECIALLY when an extremely subpar job is being done. I and others want classic+ to be done properly, instead of this minimal effort cash grab development that we’ve seen thus far. I work in software, a bug like this takes zero time to find. No playtesting was done, period, and that’s not okay.


You, the forum poster, threw a tantrum. I, the other forum poster, am pointing out that you are throwing a tantrum.


Which is exactly my grievance. Blizz is a multi billion dollar game dev and yet we’re still being given a skeleton crew part-time intern dev team.


$0.02 has been added to your balance


“What a surprise, the multi million dollar triple A video game company cannot properly playtest and release a 20 year old raid.”

So called tantrum. I wonder how sensitive you are irl.


The progression aspect of this phase opening was ruined and ruined publicly. Streamed to a wide audience…

I think the devs will be holding their heads in shame walking into the office tomorrow. I think the public humiliation is enough.

Dev’s from retail will be embarrassed to be associated by name with this release.

What did we learn… test your game better. Opening boss. Couldn’t have been worse if they tried.

Close the thread, the dog has already been beaten enough.

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“Tantrum” is a bit harsh but it was an unproductive comment. Anyone who has done UAT/BVT could tell you how easy it is for minor unexpected things to break when a system update goes live. “Multi-billion dollar company” or not, you’re talking about a couple of guys in a room looking at lines of code. And they fixed it within an hour, which is a pretty good response time.

I agree with holding companies to account, but you were dragging them over the coals for a pretty minor problem that was fixed almost immediately.