Blackwing Lair is open in Season of Discovery!

is that a dev alt or something? the way you are simping for bugs is insane.


It is 1000%.

I’m convinced they astroturf on here

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SoDead is a failure because Blizzard neglected pvp for so long and the people working on SoD are in general very bad at class changes and balancing.

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  • Actually, that’s a pretty minor bug that was fixed right away-

Without a trace of irony or self awareness. I’m convinced that WoW players really are one of the worst fanbases out there.


“TRILLION DOLLAR” Company you forget Microsoft owns both Activision and Blizzard!!!

Lol Blizz fired THOUSANDS of employees ( after they said they wouldnt ) so now they have 1 team working on both SoD and cata. and those devs are priotizing SoD over Cata.

Cata has been in Phase 1 for 20 weeks ( we are about to enter week 21 of Phase 1

Phase 4 lasted 10 or 11 weeks

Cata wont be seeing Phase 2 for 6 months!!! At this rate!! imagine being forced to raid the same raid for 6 months!!!

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A pretty minor bug? Seriously dude? The entire progression release of BWL was messed up with this bug. You legit could not do the raid, it was an unplayable bug. Many guilds that were planning on clearing the raid right at release for pushing progression got griefed with this bug. Guilds literally left the raid to do ZG instead. Taking almost an hour to fix a door and loot drops that have worked for 20 years is insane. Any amount of playtesting beforehand would have caught this simple bug instantly (it’s literally the first encounter).

Yeah I agree, wow players are one of the worst fanbases out there, because we have people like you excusing such silly incompetence. It is obvious that you are perfectly fine with being treated like garbage by this dev team.


Listen to yourself

A few hours delay on a raid we are gonna be in for 4-6 months?

Literally cry more lol


a few hour delay on content that has been out for 20 years!!!

second BWL is only going to be main raid content for maybe 2-3 months not 4-6 MC only last 10- 11 weeks before BWL


I have a feeling BWL will be a longer phase b ecause it also has ZG and people need stuff from MC still

It’s a mistake on their part for sure and yeah it sucks for those who weren’t able to get in right away but it’s not the end of the world

What else do you expect Blizzard to do other than hotfix it right away (Sounds like they did) and move on?

Expecting zero mistakes is just not realistic

Oh please dude, if they released a retail raid with an issue like this, people would riot. At least retail raids are new, bugs like this are a little more believable. For a 20 year old raid? come on bro


How many mistakes and blunders has sod had thus far? Too many to even count


Yes you are not in retail you are in the red headed stepchild of WOW

Are you expecting zero mistakes? Not very realistic

How do you let something like this ruin your day?

I expect the dev team to do the absolute bare minimum, and that’s playtest these raids. It’s an mmorpg, we dump countless hours into this game. And they cant put a few hours into playtesting? I’m sorry that’s just silly.

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I’m sure they did and just missed this one thing because they probably didn’t kill the drake til the boss came. They aren’t super sweats that zugged down everything in sight like the type of guild that’s gonna play the raid within hours of release during the work day on a Thursday

You’re sure that they did? Lol THE FIRST ENCOUNTER IN THE INSTANCE

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Anyway I’d suggest maybe taking a look in the mirror if something so minor ruined your day, lol

Failing to release a 20 year old raid properly is not minor, sorry! And it didn’t ruin my day, I didn’t raid yesterday. For the people that potentially left work early to raid right at release though? Yeah, that probably ruined their day.

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I disagree, it is minor, and it’s fixed, no need to rage!

Unplayable bugs are not minor by definition


Lol it’s only a minor bug because he’s only 52 and can’t even do the raid!!! so it doesn’t affect him!!