Blackwing Lair is open in Season of Discovery!

See that’s a fair argument to make. They COULD put more resources toward it, but SoD doesn’t have a lot of cash options like retail does.

That’s why they don’t.

Not sensitive enough to berate a development team by throwing a tantrum on a forum at least.

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Yeah no they deserve it

They have people that will test their game for them FOR FREE

They provide feedback to the devs FOR FREE

It’s literally incompetence at the highest level

Blizzard is where the worse you are at your job the better you get paid apparently

I’m a critic of Blizz, no problem. But on a launch of the next raid tier you would expect feedback such as the person who said there was no loot. The dev replied and it was fixed.

Problem solved.


However, your responses are just tantrums. Little fits because you don’t know how to handle being upset about something.

You want Blizzard to be better, yet you yourself cannot.


The UAT environment isn’t always like-for-like with the production environment, as much as they try to replicate it.

It’s always possible for unintended interactions that worked in the UAT environment to stop working when the update releases into the live environment.

Respectfully, you are talking about something you clearly know nothing about.


Nah there are issues that are on the PTR that always make it to live

Imagine if you figure out a way to get too much gold, do too much damage or get anything unreasonably powerful that gives you an in game advantage.

It’s instantly fixed

The wow shop always works too

You can always spend money

It’s about priorities and we are dead last for any hotfix unless something benefits us

Stop being a bootlicker

By example, this is like finding a scrap of food on the ground at a fast food chain and claiming “this is a multi billion dollar company, they should hire a cleaner for every square inch of floor space!”.

You have never worked in the industry. You have no idea what you are talking about. You’re being a numpty.


Says the man who calls people who disagree with him “bootlickers”.

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That probably upset you

Unfortunately everything you have said in this thread has been wrong and bad

I guess the “boot” fits (in your mouth):rofl:

No, it didn’t upset me at all.

It’s not surprising that modern Blizzard doesn’t engage on these forums since they have to contend with Karens like yourself loudly bemoaning things they don’t understand.


I would give you all the money in my wallet right now if, without the help of search engines, you could competently and succinctly tell me how AI is impacting coding and development in creative industries.

No you wouldn’t because everything in this thread you typed has been both insincere and condescending. You can’t pretend to be smart if you don’t address blizzards track record and you haven’t.

They treat their customers poorly

You missed a spot on the heel of the boot btw get to it!

Lmao. You couldn’t even be bothered to cheat and use a search engine to provide a competent response.

And I am being condescending, because I took the time to explain the development cycle and you called me a “bootlicker”.

Okay Karen.


Enough hardcore players survived MC to actually make a BWL raid?


Hi, do you guys have any plans to revert some of the leakover changes that have been happening to Era with the different SoD releases? Some really concerning ones this recent patch.


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Is your team aware that many people are experiencing their reputation progress being wiped and reset to 0/3000 neutral when they log out/back in to the game? For me its every single rep except the ones i started the game with


For now, you can avoid this bug by not logging in or out.

Are you a recent transfer, by chance? I bit the bullet on some alts to test if the bug was happening to me, and it doesn’t appear to be affecting me. I’m wondering if there’s some database oddity happening with people who transferred during the megaserver merge.

It’s a fresh character im leveling. Staying logged in 24/7 isn’t an option (and shouldn’t be one) for me unfortunately

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If simply pointing out that blizzard messed up is throwing a tantrum, I’m sorry bro. You scream blizzard bootlicker


Pretty fun raid overall. Was able to clear everything tonight