Blackwing Lair Horde Reconnections

Yo, this is Garda/Everyones from Vendor Trash.I remember Debaser yelling for you to mana burn on the destroyer in aq 20

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Looking for anyone from the Horde raiding guild This is how we reroll.

I played Davyath a Warlock. I was really mean. TBC era.

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I was the undead priest Encino or Enci. I think you bought my mount or something lol you going horde or alliance this go around?

I remember you!
I was in Reroll I had a lot of Lock friends, you and of course Bicycle.


I remember you Jersey and RAMPAGE! I used to have a pic of Hurtju on the chair in BWL. Good times then and smashing those green dragons.

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OMG, whats up! I was actually thinking about you the other day, was wondering if you would show up in this post. We used to play a lot together, even wanted to 2v2 when arena comes out in TBC, but you quit abruptly which made me sad. Had a great time playing with you. I am going to play alliance on Faerlina, gonna be a tank this time around. What about you? And i think your name was Encinoe, you had “e” in the end.

Yeah lost interest after we killed Gruul pre nerf and then they nerfed him the next week. I am playing alliance on Stalagg. Dwarf priest this time around. If you don’t have a group dedicated to Faerlina join us on Stalagg!

Even though i got buddies i am going to play with, i am pretty sure they are going to be super casual and no grantee they even get to 60, so its not the issue. My biggest concern is that i think most of the servers will be dead after hype goes away, but Herod (cause most of nolife pserver guilds are there) and Faerlina (cause of streamers). I picked Faerlina cause i think its gonna be the most healthy one, aka bunch of ppl playing and not so overwhelming queues. I really think Stalagg is going to be mid-low pop after hype dies down, in addition they added 2 more servers yesterday, so picking a random server is dangerous imo. Think about it! Dont know your plans for classic, but Id love to play with you for sure, tank and healer!! we would be rolling in dough, ez groups all day long! And we could have a lot of fun griefing streamers together as priest + warrior.

Surprised to see how many names and guilds I actually remember here… :thinking:

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Steelygar, undead warrior

Rad Squad

Wtf is taunt?

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I don’t know why I wasn’t on my warrior.

You’d think by now you would’ve figured it out. Bad.

I guess I’m just bad.

Screenshotted for proof.

dude Steelygar! whats up man, add me on bnet Allister#1788

Backterror, Undead Rogue
Guild name was Enjoy your token.
I’m looking for a priest who used to carry me in bgs. Cant really remember her name but she later on made a blood elf at the start of TBC named khaleesi. Other members included bigblack the tauren shaman, zukko the troll hunter, Guild leader was Sepheroith the undead warrior, a fire mage who was very overconfident in her skills and a warlock who i cant recall his name. Hope this is enough information to find you guys.

Jersey! Seth here (US Priest, officer of Rampage), totally remember you bro. Loopfish is also around, playing with his ally buds (Loop, Cande) on the Alliance forums.

Sup man?

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I remember Bicycle! She was in Delerium with us for a while, or maybe Oblivion. It’s been a while so I can’t remember which one.

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Right on dude, I’ll send you a request asap

Thats rad! I miss loop, but I dont blame him for keeping distance we had a falling out that I was 100% responsible for. that man is a really really good person.