also toss me a friend list boonedj#1245
Delerium, I remember Bicycle too.
Monkieman, Tauren Shaman
Oh man, I was in a few different guilds:
Legion of Shadows
Frater Infinitas
Raid Two
Third Core
I still keep in touch with a few noxious people, and see steely posted here already. Lost touch with most Third core and above unfortunately.
I should pop up on Steely’s friends of friends list on Bnet. Add meh!
Wrong char
The other Reroll warlock missing here is Lannan, he joined a little later but was part of the 4 man lock crew that we cleared Brutalus with.
Healykins, Fuzzydice, Killermanny, Holidae, Fizbannis: some other This Is How We Rerollers where ya at?
All the way back to vanilla.
Character: Lao Undead Warlock
Raid leader and Co-gm of Renown
I’m getting on Pagle I think, what server are other Delerium folks getting on?
All of these old peeps bringing back memories. I don’t know if you guys remember me but I was theblur, the fury warrior in rampage. I also just remembered that one night in a BWL raid where that priest spooky’s kitchen was on fire.
Hey man, did you play a druid on BWL way back in BC? with a rogue named enirehtak. I was an Undead Rogue named Shankuthanku. I remember your current name.
Steelygar! I remember you!
Undead tank named Bunito
or Warlock destro named Metror
or Paladin healer named Prilara
I miss evil cookies an Ox
Lol what’s up dude. Your name sounds familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it. Did you play on anything else back then?
Ero - Troll Hunter…was it Third Core in vanilla?
These days I mostly just yell at my son (to mana burn the destroyer)
Vanisia (Combat Rogue) and Leesvanheals (Healer-Shaman) … wb Guild leader Steely
I remember your toon
If anyone remembers a noob undead warrior named Thinlizzy, that was me.
May or may not remember me, but I used to play an orc warrior named Loktar back in the day in VT.
Looking for a BE Warlock named Silvertide! I was a young paladin named Holywraith or went by wraithstar!