Blackwing Lair Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Blackwing Lair (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Anyone from <De@th Sentence> coming back? I don’t remember my character name from the server, but I was definitely in the guild; our GM was Beacarra.

edit: I used an @ because the word is banned/filtered.

Looking for this lock I leveled with during mid tbc. Countless all nighters trying to get me to 70 lol. Same mage, but the name was claasified.

Looking for a group of people to see if they still play from aggro monkeys and insomnia. Pfarrer, dotzyouup, medusa, orestes.

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Just looking for a warrior named Blitzkrieg. My rogues name was Doesha but I had a ton of characters.

Long ago i Played with an orc warrior named Smasho he was pretty cool :smiley: if you are still alive hi (Strat - Arms Warrior)

To all my ex Delerium friends, I love you add me on Bnet Yaz#11635

Again, my toon back then was named Strat Level 60 Female Tauren Warrior from Delerium :smiley: (some of you i still talk to)


Undead Priest Addidas


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Gooseberry, Bear Tank

Meatspin - Delerium

Coolest orc shaman on the server tbh


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played vawdkah, tauren druid. Looking for Neeba, blood elf paladin during tbc/wrath.

I was one of the officers in Delerium. Name was Zig. Smasho is still around I believe, I talked to him about two years ago.

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Lets be honest now. I was the coolest Orc shaman on BWL. Chain heals with all my gem cuts were popular during TBC!! But during vanilla i played my warrior Demondfire :smiley:

Demondfire(warrior)/Beater(shadowpriest)/Demondshock(shaman) here!! How goes it everyone?

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Scorned here, Undead Warrior. Looking for any past guildies from Frater infinitas. also i would like to find Aethon the mage, you were good people.

Ranvier - Holy paladin from Frater Infinitas (TBC) and Shearly (WotLK).

Also played a mage Icyhawt, and rogue Styrene.

Edit - Planning on playing Stalagg - Horde


My toons name was, Etheral - undead warlock. My first guild was Three Rogues my raiding guild was Chaos. I’m looking for Taurine the druid, Northios undead shadow priest, Dokoria troll rogue and twinkster troll hunter. I leveled with them and talked to them just about everyday on Teamspeak.

anyone from Oblivion/Rad Squad coming back? my name was Kuting and I played a Troll Shaman. Add me on bnet Allister#1788


@kuting Not too familiar with you, but i was part of oblivion and rad squad i believe. So long ago i cant remember too well. You remember any names? Name was deathtoyouz, was a mage

I was in Oblivion for a while. Can’t remember if we got absorbed into Delerium or the other way around.

Rad Squad moved to The Underbog server during Wrath. I moved with them and main tanked during Icecrown for them on my DK Golgothan. My shaman was Hoedown. I miss my Smasho