Blackwing Lair Horde Reconnections

Esde/Esdega - Delerium

Meatspin is a bad Shaman.



Lords of Afflcition, and also people from Storm Troopers, I know i played with a handful of y’all back in BC!


I’ll be rolling another horde shaman on Herod :smiley:

Hey Ranvier, I remember having a lot of fun with you on your rogue in TBC on the Isle of Quel’Danis on my paladin Marium.

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weren’t you in Peachy for a minute?

On Stormreaver?

I was in a little too Raph that merged with Peachy later on in WoD. Played hunter and Boomkin.

I remember you were our pally tank as well in BC.

Nethreata - Delerium

Yooo! I remember you and Esde and Strat! Its crazy to see all those Delerium names i recognize after so much time has passed! You used to spam “SPIN MY MEAT” in yell all raid long! I used to play warlock named Nethreata (russian guy) , dont know if you guys remember me!



Artymus - Druid

Guild - bAd Tryists Untied

We played there a long long time ago before we re-rolled alliance

If you’re saying YOU are Meatspin, I remember you man. Can’t remember a lot of names from our guild but your name is hard to forget, haha.

Yup, I was Meatspin. Then late BC/WoTLK as Bbqsauce with Delerium.

Went through some old emails from blizz a little bit ago where i got a nice 3 day wow vacation and a name change for runnin around yellin SPIN MY MEAT


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


omg I remember raiding with you. Good Times!

I feel like I used to hangout at the rogue table back in those days… between you, Hanz and Taxt

Hello Ranvier how is your taint?

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Dom#1802. Raid leader of Remedy. Previously a main staple on alliance in Tunnel Vision.

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Mystikal, Troll Shadow Priest extraordinaire, Vendor Trash in vanilla, too many guilds to mention in TBC, and Shearly/Remedy in WotLK.


It is dry and chafe free. Thank you for asking.

Looking for any early server RAMPAGE folks. I had a tauren druid named Jersey, Left around the time TBC was released.

also I remember Meatspin, constantly in trade… constantly.



Was Reaper from Delerium, Orc Shaman



Wahketa Troll mage, this toon! I don’t think anyone from those old guilds I was in plays anymore though :frowning: