Blacklisting BGs and Dungeons So EVERYONES Time Is Not Wasted

How a discussion works is a point is only valid “IF” you back it up with some sort of logic which you haven’t done. You in fact have been proven wrong over and over.

Sure it does and we are playing an accelerated game. Also players want to get BiS and have time to enjoy BiS. Since phases it’s difficult to achieve BiS and actually enjoy it.

Yes and you want that character progression to be fun instead of miserable. Which is my point.

I remember a day when I was Naxx geared going through every Classic dungeon just for fun. Really not much other then that or PVP once geared.

The people they harbored, care only about gear.

I again wish to refer you to SoD player numbers, which has done exactly what you’re proposing here. Hugely accelerated rewards and massively reduced barrier of entry to end game BiS.
The result?
Raid logging or quitting because there is nothing to do.

They haven’t and you are also comparing Apples to Asteroids. SOD is a completely different game. It’s a seasonal game in Vanilla. There is no comparison.

Most players don’t Raid log or Raid. There is plenty to do in the game besides Raiding.

With that said SOD has problems because of exponential design that doesn’t fit into Vanilla. Phase 1 was fun as it was easy to create alts explore the world and enjoy various aspects of the game. It was new. Nothing crazy or bloated.

Like most I quit after Phase 1 not because there isn’t anything to do but I don’t feel like leveling characters again, there is stat bloat and unfun content along with hilariously broken PvP that they can’t get right. PvP is a major part of the game so this really hurts the games growth.

Vanilla, TBC, Wrath, Cata don’t have these problems because they are different games. SOD was an experiment and some things worked while a lot didn’t. It’s good they tried new things. SOD is the bridge to Classic + and hopefully some day the first Classic expansion.

Idk how this person is able to still post on forums… these threads are dog water…

It’s almost like there’s a button to queue specific bgs and/or dungeon you want…

Nobody cares about this lukewarm IQ rant

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Why do people hate SoTA, i love that BG. I miss it on retail


Sure there is. It’s never been in the game and shouldn’t be. There is a reason for the rewards doing a random. Don’t want Deadmines… queue selected dungeons because that is where your “blacklist” is. The drawback to that “blacklist” is no rewards for random. Simple really.

It was in the game and it was very popular feature that wasn’t removed till BFA! This also allowed Blizz to collect Data on the most Blacklisted Random BGs. We used to be able to Blacklist 2 BGs from the Random Que. Eventually they removed SotA which was the most Blacklisted and hated BG.

We need this back for BGs so we can once again Blacklist SotA and this feature would be amazing for Heroic Dungeons so we can Blacklist Deadmines and other painful dungeons. This way we can enjoy the game.

Again there is no reason why not bring back this amazing popular feature that not only worked before but could be very useful to improve the game now.

This isn’t a new feature guys. I just want it back and expanded on.

Nit: Pref not use terms like blacklisted and whitelisted. Maybe something like “interested / not interested” or “allow / disallow”

But yeah what OP is describing this sounds like a nightmare that I don’t look forward to experiencing.

It was an amazing feature that was in the game for several expansions though. It was a positive all around. It allowed the Devs to collect Data on what players didn’t like. It gave players better choices for Random Que to enjoy their time playing.

Why would it be a nightmare when it was very successful first time around? We need it for BGs again and expand it too Dungeons will only improve gameplay for the players and also give the Devs important Data on what players hate.


This isn’t a new feature guys. Lets bring back the popular Blacklisting feature and expand on it for Dungeons since it was so successful for BGs.

This Thread:
“Please allow me to que for specific dungeons”

If you could get 240 valor and avoid deadmines, that would make a lot of people happy. Why are people arguing semantics? “But it’s not random then!”

What if it was 100 different dungeons, would a blacklist reducing it to 99 “not be random”? What’s the magic number?

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The purpose of RDF is to quick fill groups for what is needed. If people keep leaving Deadmines then other people get called in to fill…

You get extra rewards, faster grouping, and no Heroic lockout because you are filling a need for a group.

If you want specific dungeons, que for specific dungeons. You just have to give up the extra reward.

It’s really simple.

Bingo. Blacklisting was an amazing feature added to BGs that allowed players too remove 2 choices from the Random Que. It still was Random BGs even though Blacklisting was added.

We need this popular feature again for BGs and why not expand on it for Dungeons greatly improving the QoL for the players allowing them to enjoy the game. At the end of the day all this would do is remove toxic, painful experiences from happening.

Again this would also give Blizz important Data on what the players enjoy for future Dungeons. This is a Win/Win for the players and the Devs.

Thanks for restating the way the game currently works. Simple indeed.

But I like SotA :frowning: I dont like PVP so riding a catapult is everything I want to do ina BG


This is why this BG didn’t work as it wasn’t for PvP players. Which kinda defeats the purpose of BGs. Where your sole purpose is PvP.

With that said after Blacklisting you can Que for it though just like originally. Again it’s a Win/Win and gives player choices.

So please bring back this popular Blacklisting feature for BGs and expand it too Dungeons so we aren’t forced to leave at the start, then people back fill and leave. It’s just bad for the community this is our only option.

So you can que for specific dungeon instead of adding blacklists :sunglasses:

Sry I mean that the part where the Op is talking about getting stuck in a dungeon they don’t want to do then having to leave group leave bg etc. that’s the part that sounds awful to experience. For all involved, as op explained

there’s nothing long and painful about Deadmines though. heck, the only incredibly long dungeon is Halls of Origination where the group decides to do all bosses instead of skipping them.