Blacklisting BGs and Dungeons So EVERYONES Time Is Not Wasted

You really aren’t going to find people that agree with you. If we had the wonderful feature of Blacklisting again and for dungeons it would be the most blacklisted dungeon. People don’t want to do Deadmines more than once. It’s been highlighted in this thread and many others.

The problem with deadmines is the last boss… the fact that it makes you go back to re kill all the same garbage but with a “twist” quickly becomes more annoying than fun…

It isnt though, you can just queue for specific dungeons. Whats more important, the reward for random dungeon or the risk of having Deadmines pop up?

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The only reason everyone is Queing is for the Valor reward. It’s the only reason to do Heroic Dungeons. So yes it is that imporant. You have to Que random and if you get Deadmines or a Dungeon you don’t want you are forced to leave. Blacklisting worked for BGs and was very successful. It’s time.

As mentioned Dungeon bosses should also drop 50 valor. Lets get people gear and Valor from mulitple sources.

There is no reward for specific dungeons. This has been covered people.

It’s time to bring back Blacklisting which was one of the best features in the game and have it also apply to Dungeons so players have some amazing QoL. There is no argument against this. Lets make the game better instead of being forced to leave BGs or Dungeons we hate.

I mean, ideally you’d ask for deadmines and strand to be improved to where they’re as atractive as the other options, noit just find a way to avoid them


Isn’t much of a way to fix Strands that’s why that BG got removed. With that said Sieges were a mistake in this game. PvP players are interested in using their abilities and having the gear they attained matter. They want to test their skills.

As for Deadmines everything about it is annoying from trash too the bosses. It’s just so completely unenjoyable. If you pay me like 15 bucks I might suffer through it but even then it’s not really worth it. When we log into a game it’s supposed to not be work and should be fun. I just don’t see a world where you can make Deadmines fun.

Now for Blacklisting which is just a tremendous feature that has worked and been loved by players that gives them agency to maximize fun. Also keep in mind the great thing about Blacklisting is it is flexible. Some nights maybe I’ll Blacklist FC maps cause I don’t feel like FCing and carrying the BG. Most nights I’ll Blacklist IoC and Strands.

There is always a reason to have Blacklisting as a feature because it just improves the player agency. Maybe when playing with friends your Blacklist options change. It’s just a great feature that drastically improves gameplay.

You can already blacklist these. Simply stop queueing for random dungeons/BGs and instead queue for specific but make sure you do not queue for the dungeons/BGs that you dislike.


No you can’t but we hope to see Blacklisting which was one of the best features return soon.

As pointed out this isn’t a solution. Repeating this over and over doesn’t make it true. The reason we are Queing for Heroics is for Valor. That’s it. Valor is rewarded in Random dungeons.

So we will keep Queing Random Dungeons and BGs since we are forced too and leave when we get terrible ones. This is a design problem that can easily be fixed. They can add Valor to all boses, add Conquest to all BG wins, Add blacklisting. Lets make the game better so people want to keep playing.

Some people in this thread really trying to not fix the game or make it better which is wild. It’s a weird hill to die on honestly.

Yes it is. If you don’t like a certain dungeon the solution is to stop queueing for it.

??? Why would asking for them to be changed for everyone somehow be a better alternative than simply asking for a way to opt out of them without changing them?

horde should be able to blacklist benediction premade !!!

If you’re not already in the field, you should consider a marketing career. You’ve got a knack for using hyperbolic language in a way that makes it sound palatable.


as a hunter preraid bis does drop in deadmines, bracers of which there is no valor alternative and option 2 is from grim batol and far worse, option 3 is the grim batol quest bracers, so maybe stop being an idiot?

Someone doesn’t know what reforging is :stuck_out_tongue:

Reforging helps but bis it does not make. Sorry alt is stonecore and has hit, to much gear has hit on it for mail physical DPS, it’s not optimal and the bus is from deadmines. Maybe suck it up.

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They should make every dungeon exactly the same so crybabies won’t get upset about not getting the dungeon they want from the RANDOM dungeon finder.

And the difference between your pre bis bracers and a reforged bracer option is tiny assuming your over hit cap it’s a minor amount of a secondary stat, maybe suck it u.

Nah enjoy your 30 minute timeout because you can’t do any easy dungeon

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I would love to see your data points on this that supports your “99% of the playerbase”. I’ll wait while you get those gathered up.

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If you kill the first boss, which is just 3 mob packs and the easiest boss fight in all cata dungeons, then leave, you wont get deserter.

You can roll the dice much quicker afterwards.