Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

I already run a guild. Shadowmoon Clan is mine.

I don’t care about the loot. Just roll on it.

There are guilds out there who are chillax. Stop joining guilds run by 30-year old nerds who live in their mom’s basement.

Honestly, if you want people to take your drama stories seriously, remember to take screenshots.


A guild isn’t an authority. However, if they setup a run, they have to have loot rules that everyone plays by. Thats not really authority, thats just how raids work. Theres authority within a guild, but a guild by themselves are not an authority. Got it? Good.

And no, I don’t take OP at face value. You know why? I’ve seen him post here TWICE before with pretty much this EXACT SAME ISSUE. He blames the guilds he runs with for bad runs, but takes no responsibility for the fact he contributes NOTHING to the raid (verifiable by logs of the raids he attended) and is expecting top tier gear within his first couple of runs.

Don’t believe me? Check his profile. You will see at least 2 other topics of almost the exact same nature as this one. OP is a repeat offender. As far as I can see, this is the first time that guild has got dragged, so ima go with the repeat offender is likely the issue, not the ‘authority figure’.


Bumping for visibility :eyes:

Ahhh yes Kaine. He was on my server (kromcrush), very epic troll. Glad to see he’s still doing the lords work


This guy really doesn’t get that we can view logs of exactly what happened. Mix that with his history = one of the worst and most entitled players in classic.

I have no skin in this game. I don’t play on either of the servers that everyone’s been referencing. However, now that others have mentioned it, I do remember the OP, and this seems to be a pattern:

So the first time he got screwed over by loot council, I had some sympathy. Here we are, months later, and the OP chose to join a loot council guild knowing full well how the system works. Sorry, but I can’t muster one iota of sympathy for this guy. He wants to join a progression guild as a retribution paladin, and he wants them to funnel him loot on his trial run to boot. He should be thankful they even let him come along on the raid. There was no reason to start loot drama over this.

I’m not sure why it’s his fault for not assuming that loot council is going to do a particular thing. It’s especially confusing to me why “loot council” should automatically indicate that the guild can’t be criticized for the decisions they make.

One of the most baffling thing about loot council and people who defend it is that there are a finite number of potential loot drops and a finite number of raiders. There is no reason to not already know in advance who is going to get a particular piece of loot. As such, there’s no excuse for not being completely and entirely transparent.

The idea that a “council” has to convene over loot and come to a decision like its some complicated unforeseen circumstance is so laughable. The fact that people actually accept it as a necessity is kind of just pathetic.

You dont have any idea how LCs work on the top end and thats pretty clear. 95% of the time, the decision on loot is made in the officer meetings, and the decision isn’t really as much a debate as checking the recent drops/loot to make sure the person originally intended for that item didn’t receive something between the decision and the loot actually dropping that would change their priority.

Believe it or not, most of us actually work the way we say we do. If we didnt, our raiders wouldn’t stick around because they’d very clearly see the bull and move on. Just because you’ve never been a part of a legitimate LC guild doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Are there guilds out there that do it the way you’re claiming? I’m sure there is, but I can guarantee you they don’t last very long before their inevitable collapse.

Thats completely beside the point of this post though. OP is in the wrong and you’re in the wrong for trying to defend him. He went to that guild’s raid, they have an estabished loot system that, if he wasnt sure of the rules, he should have clarified before joining. They looted by their rules, and a top of the line item went to a consistent and reliable raider who wanted it for PvP (the weapons only real use). Thats a guild functioning correctly. Its on the OP for not understanding their loot rules and trying to drag them publicly for going by their own rules.


I don’t think you are taking into account the dynamic nature of random events. If a guild could control with certainty all the raiders that show up every week and control the loot that dropped and the order in which it drops then sure.

You bring up good points but based on the premise that assumes a predictable level of certainty of future events. Uncertainty is difficult to deal with. We don’t know who will show up, we don’t know who will continue to show up. We can make reasonable estimates based on empirical data that we keep. What sort of data do you think we can possibly have for a person that has been in the guild 12 hours?

We have a loot wish list that we encourage our members to fill out. We have LC meetings to come up with a framework for distribution. We cannot know what items will drop and when they will drop. Who gets current items is always changing based on who has received last items. We have 6 static LC members, plus a 7th rotating random member (for each raid team). We do this so that our raiders can take part of these discussions and they can see how we make decisions. When they see how we determine loot distribution, they can actively work towards the metrics we use to aid us in our decisions.

Loot council was created to cope with the problems that DKP had. Its not perfect, but loot councils are responsible to the raiders. If the LC makes decisions that are not amicable to the raid, members will leave. Therefore, you can gauge the effectiveness of their decisions based on the longevity of the raiding team.

You are free to establish or use what ever loot distribution tool that you want. If it works then it works.


I’m not disagreeing with you there. I’m just pointing out that the OP joined this guild after having been burned by its loot system already. That makes him, as you said, kind of pathetic.

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You clearly haven’t raided in any decent LC guild, or likely any decent raiding guild at all for that matter, if you have any sympathy for the OP here.

LC guilds cannot predict the future for most drops. Most LCs have a rough understanding of who will get what in the near future, but a single item drop can change that. If someone is first in line for a specific big item but receives multiple small items or one big item before we see that particular item drop then they will likely not be getting it next even if we had planned to give it to them weeks before.

Also its pretty clear that you and many of the other people hating on LC in here to justify the OP are either blinded by pointless hatred of LC or haven’t raided even semi seriously in classic. In general the only loot system in existence for classic that would ever even consider giving the OP the item in question under those circumstances is a /roll which is one of the worst methods of loot distribution for a guild.

Loot systems exist to make sure that loot is handled as fairly as possible in a way that best helps the guild. There are different approaches and many differences of opinion between people who support different types, but regardless of these differences the OP would almost never have a shot at the loot he is whining about. If every single commonly used system would bar a player from getting a certain item then maybe that player shouldn’t get that item.

OP is an entitled idiot and more than likely deserves to be blacklisted from any server he tries playing on. There are very few players that I legitimately think “go back to retail” should be said to and the OP is one of them.


I wouldn’t have expected to get the item with it being your first raid. The other players in the guild have been there longer and have already shown dedication to the guild regardless of their or the guild’s current performance. As a new player, especially in a loot council guild, you shouldn’t expect to get items like this even if they are a pve upgrade for you.

With that said, you can leave the guild whenever you like and they should have just left it at that. They shouldn’t be trying to tarnish your name because of it, they had one raid with you, you left that’s it goodbye. It is not showing well on them the way that they reacted to the gquit, but you were also acting somewhat like a primadonna over an item that you really shouldn’t expect to get your first raid with them let’s be real.

Dude. The player is hot garbage dps and a complete and worthless cry baby that has deserved everything he got. You are either his alt/or friend or “demonstrating an impressive lack of awareness” or ability to think critically with the information provided.


So you got carried and expected to be rewarded with one of the best weapons in the game? LOL i d i o t


But ye, he a carried guild hopper.

Yea man…he crushed me. The only problem is someone else that replied checked the raid logs and went into detail explaining how that never happened.

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you ready to do this? somebody put some music on…

Necromancers in the forums again


LOL! This thread again?