Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

I’m not really sure what you mean by that, but I really like our small server community of DD. To the extent that people view it as cliquey, it’s not, many transfer guilds have come and fit right in. But if you transfer here and start badmouthing known, liked and respected server natives, you’re going to have a bad time


I’m assuming that you believe OP is lying when he said that the guild started making things up about him in global chat?

Lying may be a little strong, exaggerating? twisting the facts? I believe that he started the altercation by blowing up in world chat and then Purge responded by defending themselves and telling their side of the story.


Right, so that’s my point. You want to make excuses for behavior coming from someone you view as an authority figure when you wouldn’t tolerate it from anyone else.

Someone who gets targeted by your authority figure doesn’t matter because they had it coming for one reason or another.

That’s the textbook definition of a bootlicker.

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Except they have zero authority over me. They are people who have been around and contributing to the DD community for a year now as opposed to this guy who comes in expects to have things handed to him and comes here badmouthing our entire server when he doesn’t.


lmao they will blacklist you if you talk badly about them of course they have authority over you.

Furthermore, regardless of whether you feel like they have authority over you personally, they clearly have authority over other players, which means, you guessed it, they are an authority figure.

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You seem to have missed the point of my original post. No one blacklisted him. He blacklisted himself by having a public temper tantrum over loot. I don’t know what it’s like on other servers, but that kind of behavior is not welcome or appreciated on our server. Add in the fact that he’s a brand new transfer that no one knows…


“He blacklisted himself” is doing aerial backflips to avoid acknowledging that your authority figure blacklisted someone and demonstrates an impressive lack of self awareness.

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This is the original post you were responding to. If you don’t understand the point, I don’t know what to tell you.


Like, I dunno, when you’re describing something as “maybe exaggerating but not lying” in order to excuse a guild making things up in order to get a player blacklisted for criticizing said guild… it’s just a bit difficult to understand where you’re coming from because the entire boot is lodged in your mouth.

I know you’re not going to come around on this, you’ve made it clear that you’ll justify just about anything they do, but one would hope that you can at least acknowledge your tendency to default to authority.

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Hold up. Where’s your proof the guild made anything up about OP? This is purely on the word of this single dude you’re riding on. Even by his description of the events, he comes off as loot hungry and not willing to understand that guilds established loot rules.

Then he goes to trade to try and knock the guild because they didn’t loot things the way he thought they should. That guild (made up of more than 1 person, I’d imagine) then defend themselves and it comes clear OP is just loot hungry to the server at large. This results in the general “black balling”.

This isn’t something the guild instigated. They organized their raid as normal, with their normal loot rules, and they made the mistake of taking OP with them, thinking they’d be showing a newbie the ropes of raiding and maybe get him some tier or something. They gave a PvP item to an established warrior over that newbie because, obviously, they have rules in place that prevent high ticket items from going to brand new members (there’s obvious reasons to this. They’ve been explained ad nauseum). They then are forced to defend their reputation because OP didn’t know what loot rules he was playing by and decided he wanted to drag conflict into a general channel.

Tell me. What exactly should the guild have done to prevent this? Does OP bear no responsibility for his own actions? He wasn’t targeted by the guild. He targeted the guild and they responded by defending themselves and outing OP as a terrible person to raid with.

You seem to have some issues with authority figures. Im not sure how you see a guild as ‘authority’ either. OP went to a raid THEY organized and set the rules for. If he went with them, he agreed to the rules they set, which are in place to make sure everyone understands how loot is distributed. OP contributed nothing but a warm body. That’s the way it goes. Sorry you don’t like it.


Pvp roll. But For damn sure don’t give it to the guy who just rolled in with a level 42 blue weapon.


This just reminds me to stick with MS>OS. LC guilds can go down the toilet for all I care. I’ve been in them (as a prot warrior) and it’s pretty horrid. Prot warrior does have it a bit easier, you got like 3-4 others to compete with, I can’t imagine what it’d be like for DPS. Like it feels better knowing I had a chance at a piece of gear, then being flat out denied.

You did the right thing imo, bit of a clown sounding guild, especially if they felt the need to make fun of you in LFG and /world.

You made the right call, you wouldn’t want to be apart of that guild, especially if they had a rough time in BWL.


Damn. You killed him man!

Well done


Like about a hundred other people who said that (wow lol), you are in the wrong; the guild is in the right. And even if it was debatable who should get the item, you ended the debate in their favor by ragequitting over not getting your 1st drop on your 1st trial carry run, regardless of wipes.

“So i was in that raid and one of the officers of the guild in question. He joined the guild and 12 hours later we had an open spot so invited him to BWL. he came and the only enchants he had were +40 armor to chest boots and legs. He did an average of 88 dps and wiped us on Vael by cleaving the raid. As well as using rend on almost every single boss. The “warrior with the best axes in the game” is using dooms edge. Directly after he Gquit he started posting about us in Lookingforgroup. Saying how not only our guild but out server is trash and how on kromcrush this would not have happened. The went on to say how geared his paladin was and how he was going to transfer his paladin and make a guild and crush us. he has done nothing but be an elitist that has caused issues so when our server came together and basically blacklisted him he came here to make a fake sob story of how mean we are.”

Also, lol at this. I suspected he might not be telling the whole story. But not to this magnitude.


Do you believe OP or not? If you don’t then there’s nothing to discuss. I’m not claiming to know for a fact that OP is telling the truth, but I am saying that his story is perfectly plausible and that’s what I’m addressing.

It’s also, like mind blowingly frustrating for you to be confused about why the guild is an authority figure and then y’all about the rules they set in the same sentence. Like, holy Christ.

This thread has become a dead horse beating a dead horse.


Let me help you out here cause he played alliance on kromcrush. He came on to the server join a few different guilds and continued after he left them to talk crap about krom and how benidiction Was so much better and that he was in the best guild there and that ret pally was actually really good. He leaves a mess on every server he goes to which leads me to believe he’s ran off on them after he trolls them like he did on kromcrush.


I believe the other threads this guy posts under use the names kade or kane. You can look him up on the forums. This op is a pretty avid troll especially when it comes to loot drama.


This sounds perfectly reasonable to me. The other warrior has been there for a long time, and he wants the item. You’re essentially under a trial period and have no right to anything.

You’re some new guy who is complaining because he didn’t get a desirable item in his first run and this would send huge red flags up for me.