Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

My Horde warriors name on Deviate Delight is Kade.

I’m going to leave out the names of characters and guilds for obvious reasons, but I was just curious what you would have done in this situation.

My friends transferred from a large realm to a small realm named Deviate Delight to rank up in PvP. I transferred to the realm to join them, but did not join their guild because it is already saturated with warriors.

I found a guild that had a spot open for a fury warrior and they told me that most of their warriors are already geared…so I wouldn’t have a lot of competition for certain items. They also let me know that loot was distributed through “loot council”.

Then came raid night. This guild…who shall not be named…wiped so many times in BWL that people in discord were begging for a repair bot. There were so many wipes that I was seconds away from whispering an officer to tell him I’d be willing to tank if they helped gear me up for it. I don’t think I’ve ever wiped that many times in BWL…and what is more sad is that the tank was geared, so were the healers, and so was the dps. Regardless…we eventually claw our way into Nefarian’s chamber.

After a large chunk of the raid dies during the fight (yet again)…the guild eventually downs him.

Ashkandi drops. My warrior is using blue 42 dps weapons…and is desperate for gear to get his dps on par with the raid. The guild then looks at the warriors who want Ashkandi…my warrior in blues…and a warrior with the best 1 handed axes in the entire game who is one of the highest dpsing warriors in the guild. Before they distributed the loot I told them that I would use it for 2 handed fury PvE. Before you say 2 handed fury is not viable…it is…and there are countless videos and forum posts covering this. Some of the videos I watched on youtube have around a 90% thumb up vote ratio. So before you comment on 2 handed fury…please do a little research first.

They then give Ashkandi to one of the most geared warriors in our entire guild. I go over and inspect him…he has some of the best gear in the game. I asked the officers “Is he going to use Ashkandi for PvE?” They replied “No, he’s just going to screw around in PvP. He’s not a PvPer…but wanted to just mess around in battlegrounds with the weapon and maybe try to rank up at some point in the future.” A guild member also whispered me and said that in officer chat one officer said “Whatever you do don’t give Ashkandi to the new guy.” At that point I did the only logical thing a person can do…I /gquit.

Why? If you join a guild that gives items PvE players desperately need to increase their raid performance to players for PvP…they will never be on par with the raid or even have a shot at being a top dps. I firmly believe that any guild giving out items for PvP purposes over players who need those same items for PvE…is a complete waste of time.

I didn’t cause a scene…I just /gquit and hearthed. I then started getting whispers from an officer in the guild saying things like “Deviate Delight is a small realm. Reputation matters…and you won’t be raiding on this realm ever again.” Basically letting me know that any guild I join they will whisper them and tell the guild to kick me…simply because I left their guild over believing that items should go to players who use them for PvE first.

Other officers started whispering me and saying things like “Did you actually think we were going to let the new guy have Ashkandi??? LOL.”

I then start seeing people from the guild spamming lies in LFG chat like “Kade never uses execute” or “Kade’s rage bar never went down the entire raid” among many other things to discredit me and ensure that other guilds don’t send me a g invite.

I don’t understand the concept of “Don’t give PvE gear to the new guy…give it to other people for PvP.” It feels like you are in some kind of a time based relationship with the guild…almost like a real life relationship when you date someone. It’s like the guild is saying “Hey you just joined us…so we won’t give you the gear you need to succeed in raids…but if you date us for a month or 2…or 3…well…then we might give you a little kiss on the cheek! How’s that sound?” Why does someone need to build up “loyalty over time” to get PvE gear in a 15 year old game? We are not dating…we are not getting married…I spend the same amount of time in the raids wiping and paying for my repair bills as everyone else…so why can’t I roll on the gear NO ONE NEEDS FOR PVE ON DAY 1??? How does “loyalty over time” change the player and guild relationship? Do I take on more responsibility on day 90 in the guild raids than I did on day 1? Nope. Do I do more damage on day 90 without any new gear than I did on day 1? Nope. Then what does it matter when I get the gear? This is NOT a marriage! We are not building a long lasting and loving partnership…like most people I play this game to have fun and get gear…not worry about my reputation with a bunch of random people on discord who are from all over the world. (I feel like I’m the only one with the courage to say this.) I know this is shocking…but I just want to log on and have fun. I don’t want to worry about if my e-rep is high enough to get 1 epic a month from now. You people are ridiculous!

What would you have done in this situation?


Bruh nobody plays 2-hand warrior on Alliance because we don’t get windfury. It’s pretty standard for 2-handers to be tagged for hunters or PVP players. You can’t expect to be handed gear EVER much less on your first raid… just wait for your best 1-hander fury weapons to drop and for it to be your turn to get them. That’s just how the loot game works.


New trial raiders are often loot benched for a while

This is common knowledge, now say NO ONE wanted it, rather than sharding it you would get it, but I would literally give it to anyone over you, simply because you’re a trial raider.

You cleared the raid with your blue weapons, as a trial you are entitled to nothing even if you think you are. The people who have seniority would get it, unless it was to be sharded.


I can tell you read the post…the very first sentence says “Horde Warrior”.


Dont join a guild with LC. Done.


It’s your first raid with this guild. You should expect no loot whatsoever. If there’s something that no one else wants at all then maybe they can toss you a bone and let you have it - although now that nexus crystals can be had from DE’ing things, maybe not. The thing is, if you are coming along in blues, you are being carried. You are brought along to judge whether you have the bare minimum competence to not wipe the raid through sheer stupidity, where you have a decent personality that jells with the rest of the raid…and whether you are an entitled loot ho that is going to throw out drama and /gquit when you don’t get what you want.

The test results have come back, and they were conclusive.


I know naming isn’t allowed on the forums, but as someone who has played DD alliance since launch, it’s hard for me to opine without you specifying which guild.

I do feel that someone who admits to coming to DD with no interest in RP defaults to little sympathy. DD is a RP server, it’s not a place for easy ranking. I don’t appreciate you badmouthing the whole server


loot council is always a way to funnel gear and it always have the highest turn over as a result. …
you really cant expect to get gear until everyone part of the council or close to the council get what they want really
if bluntly stated it is a system like the feudal system where the lords takes advantage of the plebs and sometimes the pleb gets upset so another plebs replace the pleb while the kings and lords enrich themselves and the process keeps cycling

you need to find some kind of roll system like soft reserve or suicide kings or dkp with hard enforced rules. its basically like a democracy where everything is ruled by rule of law… not ideal for progression but it really keeps the guild stable but then wow classic is pretty easy so far so yea

TLDR loot council is like China under CCP while roll/dkp system is like the republic that is America… both have their issues but choose what you like to live in


Smell ya later alligator! :flamingo:

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This is the quote of 2020 right here. As accurate as it gets.


Idk, just depends on the guild. On my warrior, i was spoon fed tons of gear. T2 Gloves, shoulders, Styleen’s Impeding Scarab all on my first run through bwl. In MC i was spoon fed even more with other gear such as T1 head, chest, Dragon’s Blood cape.

There was no one complaining. No one saying i didn’t deserve it. It was just given to me for joining. I showed up in full pre raid bis and consumes. In all reality, they could have easily DE’D that gear, or maybe given it to another warrior’s OS. But i got MS prio.

Time doesn’t mean loyalty, but i understand having put in time also means having a credible history. I can’t say that giving a dps warrior a 2 hander for PvE is anything but a joke, but i can say that there are guilds willing to help gear people on their first run - as they should if they want to build a healthy raid team. With that said, there should still obviously be some items that will only be given after a certain amount of time. I certainly would not expect to be given a DFT as an OT, or any sword like CTS when i can get QS.

Not all guilds are created equal, and not all guilds lead with fairness. Just have to be very vocal about your wants, goals and expectations. If your vision doesn’t line up with the guilds, don’t join it. Simple as that. Or compromise should push come to shove and all else fails.


Why shouldn’t you expect loot that no one needs for PvE on your first run? What’s the difference between expecting loot no one needs for PvE on your first run and expecting loot 30 days later? What’s changed? Why is there a time limit put on you getting loot that no one needs for PvE? Shouldn’t a guild want to gear people as fast as possible to help ease progression and encourage them to stay in the guild?


My guild’s main raid has an explicit rule that new people in that raid can’t get a weapon for 2 weeks.

But we have broken the rule on occasion recently if nobody else needs or wants the weapon.

Our alt raid is all rolls, so some of the newest members are recommended to play there for a while and take their chances at weapons or high end items. It works, we’ve had locks that have gotten Claw of Chromag or Staff off Nef and then joined our main raid and been funneled the rest of the gear they need.

It’s hard to say, I don’t mind Loot Council because so far my guild has been fair in distribution and nobody’s complained about how loot is distributed.

But everybody also knows that they can choose which group to raid with if they want to take their chances at rolls.

There’s also guilds on my server that give all the loot to their inner group of friends and then nobody else gets loot and people complain about those guilds all the time in world chat or LFG chat. Really have to find the right group of people to raid with, people that you can trust to help you get what you need.

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Oh, it’s you again.


It was the guilds error to bring a prebis to BWL 1st and not MC to see what that persons character was like. I would have been happy to meet 39 new people who would have geared the hell out of me quickly. I would not G quit after the weapon was awarded to someone else. I would open a ticket through the guilds ticket system to understand the decision.


People forget. You’ll be fine just find another raid group. 3 days at most.

Apparently he’s already a legendary meme in DD LFG. This guy with subpar dps gquit after not being awarded Ashkandi in his first raid. Checked the logs. Casts Rend 23 times in BWL. Sorry bud, 25 is the magic number of times you need to Rend to be awarded an Ashkandi. :joy::popcorn:


It sounds like u joined this guild just to get gear so then u could quit and join your friends guild. Most guilds have something in place to protect them from this happening.

This isn’t retail its classic the bis gear or weapons are earned not just given out. As others said u should have shrugged it off and continue to raid with them and why because you showed up to 1 raid and didn’t get a purple pixel sword.

You got what u deserved loot hound


if u need gear to stay in a guild the guild probably shouldn’t keep u.


I’m not going to harshly judge you, that guild, or a server that I met lots of nice people on because of one side of a story.

However, you don’t always get what you want. Most guilds have the first couple of runs with new people as a trial. And yeah, the guy that has been in the guild for a while will probaby get priority on a piece of gear to play around with over your “need.”

They were testing your attitude with that whole situation. Now, assuming what you said is true, them acting like jack A-55’s in public chats and threats of you being blacklisted is equally garbage behavior. Not sure I’d want anything to do with any of you. Sounds like lots of drama queens.