Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

aye. and while this thread might have advanced onto a whole new post, this one never actually had a closure to it. the OP was silenced at a crucial point when key points of relevance was just coming to light for outside parties.

edit to add- silenced by what i suspect is abuse of the report functions. he never did actually say anything publicly that breaches the rules.

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Some sentence

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I didn’t realize that he was banned. I thought he disappeared with embarrassment.

I agree that he didn’t violate any rules. He was whiny, egotistical and annoying, but that’s not against the rules.


i had to, one can only spin their wheels for so long until they bottom out. no matter what i did, how i played, (or in this case) made or didnt make friends with i would never be considered anything more than a filthy immigrant whos come to take advantage of the server.

Aww, well good luck, I hope you find a great new home over there!

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Looks like those guilds dodged a bullet with this one.

I wouldn’t have GQuit after my first raid because someone who has clearly been with the guild longer got a piece of gear.

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Just come to grob I got a guild for yah horde side

This thread is more than a year old…

Just report him for nercoing and move on

If that were a thing, you could be reported for the same offense.

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Glinda I know the only emotional validation you get throughout your day is on these forums, however asking people to follow forum rules is not necroing a thread.

If you’re going to try and look smart; you posted as well therefore you also are guilty, if I am.

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You didn’t ask anyone anything.

It was at the top of the main page for me.
I just replied to it.