Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

Easily the best on this entire forum hands down.


I would have gquit due to tons of wiping in BWL, but expecting to get a vanity pvp weapon on your first raid is just silly. It’s “viable” in pve, yes, but even on a Tauren with windfury and no edgemasters, Ashkandi barely edges out over a couple dungeon 1-handers. And if it were a Crul, you’d be even crazier to expect to get it. You were going to gquit anyway if you had any sense, don’t complain you didn’t walk away with an Ashkandi.

Depends how good you are at the job, and/or supply and demand for the position.

And not all guilds operate that way.

Get back in your crib.

Askandi can be used for months as a pvp weapon gets replaced in weeks for pve if you are realy all about the guild and spec n gear for max dps during raids their call was right.

You talking about the guild wiping, and the guild saying they’ll gear you up, and the guild going slow in BWL, and talking about your gear vs everyone else’s gear… it’s all moot.

No serious guild is going to give a T2 equivalent raid weapon to someone that’s never raided with their guild. If it’s your first night, regardless of your gear or performance, you don’t get any of the rare drops.


I knew the OPs name sounded familiar on an issue about getting gear in raids.

So you left guilds on alliance side that weren’t giving you gear you felt entitled to, and now you’re leaving guilds on the horde side over the same issues. In your post about playing as ret and enhance you mention multiple times that your dps was sub par because of your bad gear. And in this post you mentioned that your dps was below that of the rest of the guild (which you repeatedly said was bad) due to, you guessed it, your gear.

If I were you I’d step back, re-evaluate my maturity level, look up some good dps guides for your class and spec, and then join up with a guild and try to be a little more humble.


dude actually gquit bc he didnt get ashcandy first raid with a new guild lmao


Yep, the OP can’t upgrade their gear because they’re constantly Guild Hopping and Server Hopping and can’t pass Trial periods. OP is the reason they exist.

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Then why are over 90% of the people who are posting in this forum of the same mind set as me?

Seems you’re out of your element.

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You don’t. Ever. Join. Talk to. or Raid with. a Loot council guild. You don’t even consider them, or see them as people.

You did this to yourself.

LC guilds are just bots. Treat them as such.


you must be an underperforming bot yourself if you think that. theres corrupt lc guilds out there for sure but under a fair council its one of the best and my fav type of loot system. although, with certain items i guess its bound to become corrupt at some point


DKP can be as corrupt as loot council when players collude to fix DKP prices ahead of time

DKP and collusion/price fixing happens almost anywhere there is a DKP system in place.


a trail raider would never get a piece of loot over a raider (that wanted it and earned it) in my raids especially on there first day of raiding… and if they kicked up a fuss and complained about it id remove you from the guild as its one of the biggest red flags out there, secondly i wouldn’t let you in my raids if you where using Ashkandi as your main wep go get your bis

the fact that you view guilds as a means to an end really say a lot about you, i really hope no one invites you to their guild on the server you play on.


Bump :beer:

OP there’s a saying: if you’ve been expelled from one country, you’ve probably been treated unfairly; if you’ve been expelled from over one hundred countries, you probably deserved it.

How many guilds have you been kicked out of after having disagreements over loot? Now its possible that you’re simply the unluckiest guy in all of WoW. But have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, the problem is you?


#popcorn #crunchcrunchcrunch

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Dude I know your kind, you will create drama sooner or later. You can’t even soak it for the first raid.


Oh? Majority is always right?

Good to know. I’ll make a note.

You should probably pass that information on to economics, too, I think it missed the memo.

In this case majority is correct.

It’s ok you’re wrong, im sure it happens a lot.


I need look no further than, say, mlb or the nfl to find an example of a new guy making more money than a five year guy at a skill position.

And this happens in every occupation. You think an MIT coding grad, top of her class, is going to make less than a coder 5 years in just because she’s new? Why do you think Apple and Microsoft were creating artificial caps on salaries for new hires?

I realize its hard to prove a negative, but since I offered positive evidence, can you at least disprove it?

I mean, your statements on their face are absurd. If 90% of the people posting here support your position (and I have no idea if 90% do), that 90% is made up of idiots.