Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

I need look no further than, say, mlb or the nfl to find an example of a new guy making more money than a five year guy at a skill position.

And this happens in every occupation. You think an MIT coding grad, top of her class, is going to make less than a coder 5 years in just because she’s new? Why do you think Apple and Microsoft were creating artificial caps on salaries for new hires?

I realize its hard to prove a negative, but since I offered positive evidence, can you at least disprove it?

I mean, your statements on their face are absurd. If 90% of the people posting here support your position (and I have no idea if 90% do), that 90% is made up of idiots.

I don’t need to disprove anything.

It’s like saying dps warriors in classic are the current meta for raids, sure a guild could opt to bring no warriors at all.

The guild meta of how things are run are the same. More often than not players have a trial period. He was a trial, which is why his guild passed on him for loot, this isn’t some strange rare occurrence, it’s the normal.

Your suggestion and take on it is in the minority.


What is this incoherent babble?

What does the idea of a majority opinion being ‘correct’ have to do with newer people potentially being more skilled or higher paid than people who have more experience?

Before you ask Drinknblink to disprove something, maybe you should form a coherent thought or argument first.

This is the equivalent of staggering back into the thread and drunkenly shouting that bears may be a sub-species of flamingo.


Right. Any system can be gamed. Loot councils can be fair as well as corrupt and DKP systems can be gamed in many ways. It’s just that loot council corruption is often more obvious and immediate than DKP issues.

The most important thing is transparency and the input from all participants. If you take someone on a run you need to spell out the loot rules. Maybe not in raid chat but if you’re using a Discord then put the rules in a text chat channel and link to it.

If people then cause problems about the rules it’s on them. The rules are posted, don’t do the run if you don’t agree with them.

Dude you are a disaster. Literally every server you have played on the issue is overwhelmingly you and not anyone else. Avoid this guy at all costs. He played a warrior on Kromcrush as well and was chased off horde side because of his loot drama bs. Just go through his post history. He was chased off his first server, came to Kromcrush and was promptly blacklisted from every guild here for the same crap. Then he went alliance and apparently its starting all over again. Just do not give this guy a chance ever.


Did you follow the discussion?

She stated 90% of the people agreed with her as support for her position that new hires are never paid as much as long time employees.

Are you two idiots in the same guild or something? Maybe related?

The issue is LC very quickly can turn into “this person is personally and intentionally screwing me over” vs DKP abuse which is more “well that’s just how the system works”

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I mean… you pretty much proved their point right then and there. You didn’t get the loot so you quit proving no loyalty to the guild, no interest in building relationships and trust. You didn’t get instant gratification and you bailed. This is exactly why people don’t give important gear to the new guy, they haven’t earned trust yet.

The guy they gave it to had earned trust. Whether it was to “screw around in pvp” or not, he had obviously earned the respect and trust of his fellow players. They wanted to reward him for not gquitting every time he didn’t get a piece of loot he wanted.


I also love Deviate Delight! It is a very special place, and it is my home. I don’t need to defend it, or my guild, because I know that both are great! Did we have a more problematic BWL run this time? Absolutely. But we still cleared it, as we have twice a week for months.

Kade, I hope that (at some point) you will take a moment for self-reflection. I’ve gathered from this thread that you have a pattern on this kind of behavior and it’s just no good. Your toxicity hurts you the most.

That being said, I want to thank you for what has been a thoroughly entertaining thread and LFG chat for a few days now. I have gotten some hearty laughs. You have indeed become a legend, although perhaps not in the way you had envisioned.

Deviate Delight is my home, and I have to be honest…you’ve been a very rude guest. I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Do not worry, your name and deeds will live on through generations.


This hasn’t been the case in years. There is a cap on how much a “new guy” gets on their first contracts depending on where they were drafted. There aren’t any fifth year players at the same skill positions making less than rookie players.

They did away with paying rookie players more than veterans because they realized it was stupid to pay someone that much money when they hadn’t even played in one game yet.
You need to earn the big contract by showing up and doing your job well.


A 90% majority usually is

I do as well. I have been on Deviate Delight since launch and it is truly a special place. I play grob horde too, and I have a good time there, Redwood Tribes have been a great host, shout out to them, but the broader community is not the same. <3 DD and (almost) everyone on the server.

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Its pretty simple, ashkandi is a huge pvp upgrade, some people wait a while to wield that juicy weapon in pvp. Your 2 handed fury argument and using the item for Pve is pretty small because 2handed fury just isnt as viable as youd like to think and the guy that got it could have been waiting a long time for it… get over it.

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I realize how stupid this thread is, guy joins a guild doesn’t get a weapon that has an 8% drop rate on his first run with a guild after transferring to a server for nefarious reasons and then posts a thread whining about it and implicitly dissing our entire realm. LOL!


God not this guy again.

I’ve never met a guild who would give a brand new recruit, on his first raid, an awesome weapon, just because he needs it. Unless it’s literally going to rot, you should expect nothing from a guild on your first run. I would expect them to give it to someone just because it improves their fashion quest before giving it to a brand new raider.

Put in your time and the loot will come. The route you’re going, you’ll never see an upgrade.

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The guy who took it is a turd, since he didn’t really need it, but you are also a turd for leaving the guild over not getting loot on your first raid with them.

Terrible player and a terrible guild. You performed pitifully even without worldbuffs for most fights, but you still out dpsed some of these people in a loot council guild.

You dodged a bullet for joining a bad guild with arguably questionable LC and every other guild has dodged a bullet by seeing how much of a whiner you are for not getting an item over a long time raider.

Hope you improve your dps and your attitude.

The difference is that in sports the new guy making more money than the older players is exceptionally talented and has been recruited specifically for their higher skill level.

For that to apply to this situation, Kade would have to have been an extremely geared warrior with a good reputation and high parses who Purge specifically approached in order to boost their guild performance. But instead, he was an undergeared, unskilled, and unknown player, who was only brought to fill a raid space.

Dang, this thing still going? Gotta hand it to the OP; he definitely knows how to start a thread with legs. I still wouldn’t group with him though :sunglasses:

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How do you define a “terrible guild”? Based on parses/raid success?

I base it on having fun personalities and an enjoyable time kicking back with guildies.

Of course, I’m not sweaty but I think my interpretation is more appropriate for Classic than tryhards min/maxxing a 15 year old game.


funny you think you deserved an ashkandi after one raid with this guild. The list of ppl that wanted that sword was probably quite long. You need to understand that loot council CAN be used effectively/fairly but sometimes its just friends giving friends gear. I cannot speak to this situation but in classic I would never expect to walk into a raid and grab a bis weapon day one over one of their other raiders, regardless for pve/pvp whatever. Period.