Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

Loot council means you’re not getting sh*t until you do about 50 runs.

No, LC means you ain’t getting a damn thing unless they enjoy you in the raid, have good performance, and are useful. No one is going to give someone who is toxic or going to leave items.

TDLR OP is toxic which is why he didnt get anything.

Only toxic people have problems with LC and only bad players fall for loot cabals.


Even if Ashkandi would have given you a DPS increase, you had done nothing to prove to this guild any kind of loyalty, which is big since the item is more of a PvP/status thing anyway. Throwing that item your way would have been silly.

Yeah, they did away with a lot of things in Retail WoW. They added some great services too!

Services like…
Paid name changes! Too bad they don’t offer those in Classic WoW eh?

Now in order to change your name…you basically have to transfer servers.

I’m not sure even that would help in your case though, considering you don’t seem to be able to fly under the radar for longer than a day or so.


Next time Gravy gets Ashkandi. Problem solved!


I always had very good experience with LC guild. I joined a guild a few months ago having no PvE experience what so ever. Got like 6-7 epics on my first MC (granted it was content that was already on farm mode and most of the people had it). I didn’t expec to get any of the BiS healing piece from MC though. It’s just illogical.

Never had issue with guild run with LC. You have to understand that as a trial, you probably won’t qualify for very rare items even if it’s a DPS increase for you and not someone else.

The warrior that have been raiding for the past 6 months with the guild would be VERY bummed to not receive the specific piece of gear, don’t you think ?

Pretty sure if you were the guy who lost on a piece of gear to a sub-par performing warrior in blue gear without enchants or consum, you would be making one HELL of a post on the forums lmao


228 posts in, I didn’t read them all, so maybe this is a repeated response:

  1. Regardless of how bad a guild is (wiping a million times or 0), has no bearing on loot.

  2. The best equipped warrior probably raided in that guild for a very long time wanting the Ashkandi and probably sacrificed getting loot for the rest of the guild. At some point, he should get what he wants after putting all that effort into it.

  3. I doubt I would give up something amazing that I wanted for a very long time and went through weeks of clearing the instance just to give it up to some brand new member in my guild.

  4. Do you deserve loot? No. It would have been great for that warrior to pass to you, but honestly, who knows if you would have gotten that weapon and /gquit anyways.

  5. It’s terrible for a guild to blackball you for gquiting. If I was watching world chat, I would think less of the guild than I would of you. If you don’t feel the loot system is fair, /gquit is really the best answer. I don’t think it was warranted in this situation.


Oh, I don’t think he’s getting blackballed for quitting the guild; I think he’s getting blackballed for crying like a baby and bad mouthing his former guild because they didn’t just spoon feed him all the purples that he wanted. Him coming to the forums to whine about it just seals his fate on DD and pretty much any other server to which he eventually transfers.

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If the guild is saying what-ever in any global channel, they are black balling him which makes them worse than what he did.

I don’t disagree with you about what’s happening, but it’s a terrible guild to do that. It would be different if he ninja’d or caused huge drama (within the guild).

The whole situation is like going out on a first date and deciding to not to continue in the relationship because there’s not gonna be any sex the first night and then your date yelling to the restaurant and out in the street that you have bad breath…

Just saying… never happened to me… but both people are in the wrong.


roflmao - that’s a great analogy

Let’s say he is given Ashkandi. His DPS may be moderately improved, but based upon current log performance would not bring him anywhere near in-line for BWL, let alone AQ.

Thus, he would still require actual PvE weapons; which are abundant between current content. There are numerous one handlers and it is highly likely within the next few weeks he’d have two good one hands being that the other warriors already are well geared.

Now he has Ashkandi and a Brut Blade drops (or any other onehander that is available) should he get this as well? Getting the one hander would be much better for PvE. So in effect, he would get Ashkandi, use it for maybe 2-3 raids, and then be next in line for the next weapon drops as well?

Rather, give Ashkandi to the consistent raider and have him next in line for the next two one handers. This seems much more fair than having him use Ashkandi for a few raids, then give him the next two one hander weapons so he actually can improve DPS more than a negligible amount.


Did Purge really do anything wrong here? It seems to me that all they did was respond to OP’s various attempts to make their private issue as public as he possibly could.


Assuming what the OP said in the original post, they spammed general about him being bad dps (and I’m sure other stuff)…

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ashkandi is not optimal for dps on horde pve because you will never have 2h weapon skill for it aside from oeb. its a pvp weapon period. i dont know why you would ever wana go 2h for pve cuz its way less dps than dw. most people ive seen use 2h use bre and almost exclusively on trash in full dw fury spec. assuming you are an orc, good luck getting edgemasters if you arent, just acquire a frostbite and zulian hacker as you eventually work your way up to a deathbringer/blessed axe(aq40) and crul/dooms edge

But not much of a brain. I feel sorry for you. Try using logic next time, it’s very useful but only if you use it.


So I checked the log and literally 14 people in that raid instantly died to Nefarian’s shadowflame right as he landed including yourself.

My question is how does a guild get “geared” and just have 14 people not wearing Onyxia Scale Cloaks? I believe you when you say they probably wiped on a bunch of times to stupid sh*t because that is just basic, no one should die to an instant shadowflame when Nefarian lands let alone 14 people.

If a guild this bad is really influential enough on that server to “blackball” you then that just speaks to how bad the server as a whole must be.


Because the OP was initially bashing Purge in the LFG channel.

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We don’t want him either. Even our raids have standards.

I’m on BB, too. I’d love for the OP to try. The Guild in their story is right, reputation matters, and the OP has a reputation of stories like this. They’re a known Guild Hopper and loyal to no one but themselves.


Don’t ever join a guild that is using loot council.

It’s just an excuse to funnel gear to the people they want without actually having to give you the middle finger.

Consider it a lesson learned and move on.