Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

Wouldn’t be in it because I dont join loot councils.


Ashkandi is a pvp weapon or used for 2h trash cleave, not even the best available mind you.

Regardless, you had enough reason to leave without loot council drama.

I don’t think a guild that wipes that often has a good enough reputation to have any influence.

IMO Ashkandi is bad loot, I don’t get the drama.


it’s very confusing to me that the guild is both obviously not try hard:

yet still distributes loot in a tryhard manner. i dont really see a reason for a strict loot council in classic, barring no extremes. as long as people show up regularly, put the effort in, then i’m fine with freeroll. there’s no need to optimize every single loot drop in classic, the raids simply dont ask that of you.

i would have left the guild too, just seems like a bad attitude.


Clear times of both AQ and Naxx will come down to how well your raid is optimised beforehand. Of course, different guilds have different needs and you’re free to find one that fits you right.

Possibly the most important point at all, it’s redundant planning for p6 if you’re guild management is so poor that everyone ends up leaving with the gear acquired anyway.

You aren’t entitled to Ashkandi because you came to 1 raid


To be fair he’d likely have lost the weapon in every system but a free roll system if it was his first raid.

This is not this dudes first victim post about him losing items in raids because he’s a trash raider either.


Are you the same guy who made a post like this about it happening to a Ret Paladin a few months ago?

EDIT: Apparently not.

You transferred to an RP realm for easy brackets to rank, so go rank. R14 Claymore is just as good. Problem solved.

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True. But those other systems manage expectations much better. He goes into a DKP/EPGP/SK or whatever and he knows beforehand he’s not getting it. With LC he “should” also know he’s not getting a prime piece as the newbie, but it leaves that little bit of misplaced hope that sparks drama sometimes.

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Gonna have to side with the guild here and I’ll explain why…

While the rest of this forums is bashing LC I think that’s entirely beside the point.

In your own words this guild did very poorly, wiped several times. You didn’t think their tanks were up to snuff. This is your first raid.

Part of the reason people loot council is because they don’t enjoy giving gear to people who will bail on them after 2-3 weeks. This guild might be bad (maybe they were just having a bad night, who knows), but that even more proves the point that they have put in work to be able to clear BWL. It probably took them a month of prog to accomplish. People who come in on their first night and leave over a 2h hunter weapon probably won’t stay long anyways. Before investing one of the most iconic swords in the game into someone, maybe they want to know you are in it for more than loot, and more than one week. You’ve proved you aren’t so… GL and find a guild that shares your ideals?


What’s your honor caps? Ima xfer and start pumping 1mil

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Thats on that individual guild if thats the case. In my guilds LC raids (our 2nd group runs rolls) its made very clear that items considered “tier 3” items are only going to core raider+ ranks, unless no core raiders need that item.

Thats more of a safeguard against the situation of giving a high value item to a new raider and having them leave a couple weeks later. It’s a very common tactic to ensure the loot our raid gets stays in the guild as much as possible.

And to head off questions to the contrary, you can get to core raider rank just raiding in the 2nd group through attendance, preparation and the same trial period as every other raider. So we arent using this to shut out those outside of ‘the cluque’ of longtime raiders/officers.

Adults would congratulate the guy who got it. Children throw tantrums and quit. Had a hunter do this exact thing on his first raid because he wanted it for pvp. He is now gone and we didn’t waste any loot at all on him. Good riddance.


Yeah that is kind of a jerk loot policy, there’s no reason not to gear up new recruits, but all you can really do is leave the guild.

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No guild gives their best drops to a new recruit. You are sounding like a parasite raider who show up at the end of a tier and trys to collect all the gear in a few runs, only to then disappear for 3 months until the next tier is on farm. These players aren’t going to help the guild in progression or put in any amount of work short of showing up… so good guilds know better. And you showed you are not committed by crying or quitting or whatever, so the guild lost nothing.


If you showed up to bwl for the first time with a guild in p5 using weapons like that and expected an Ashkandi handed to you… Yikes fam.


Yeah, it’s him.

Three times according to logs. You don’t need to hyper-dramatize every thread you make.


So? It’s not like they gave it to a someone else with more seniority for pve reasons.

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Last week, that raid group cleared BWL and MC back to back in 3 hours flat with not a single wipe. Sounds to me like you were the difference lol


So i was in that raid and one of the officers of the guild in question. He joined the guild and 12 hours later we had an open spot so invited him to BWL. he came and the only enchants he had were +40 armor to chest boots and legs. He did an average of 88 dps and wiped us on Vael by cleaving the raid. As well as using rend on almost every single boss. The “warrior with the best axes in the game” is using dooms edge. Directly after he Gquit he started posting about us in Lookingforgroup. Saying how not only our guild but out server is trash and how on kromcrush this would not have happened. The went on to say how geared his paladin was and how he was going to transfer his paladin and make a guild and crush us. he has done nothing but be an elitist that has caused issues so when our server came together and basically blacklisted him he came here to make a fake sob story of how mean we are.


Giving PvP items to people who intend to rank is giving them PvE upgrades.

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