there are other ways to show commitment… They are required by guilds but are not necessary for progression
I think you meant 3%.
You live here? go play the game…good god! Permanent lurker! Pretty sad!
Sounds like someone needs a hug.
I want a hug… but first… lysol.
Yeah, humans are pretty gross.
I used to be able to wake up early in the morning and get on a timer for 3-4 hours and now it’s just a massive bot fest. I don’t mind competing against other players but as usual there is a bot problem and Blizzard is months behind on fixing it.
Least bots don’t spread viruses… but seriously let’s get them suckers banned. Even if so… the population of realms is massive for the amount of spawns. That needs corrected.
I’m lucky that I’m on a smaller server so the actual player competition isn’t that bad but there is a horde hunter that is online 24/7 in Silithus, have reported him multiple times but after a month he still just sits there, never moving but never disconnecting.
Is his pet named 日冕病毒 ? < google translate that
You had me at hunters with Corona Virus named pets. I love it.
unless ur in vegas or china u don’t gotta worry about it but yes safe measures.
General idea is good. Percentage is waaay off. Would need to be like 2% or the market would be flooded, especially with all the DM:east farmers
The most vanilla interactions I’ve read on the forums in a while. Love it.
Nah, only changes that could/should be made is more possible nodes added and invisible to ghosts.
I try. Vanilla was always the favorite part of the game for me… even my retail toons I haven’t touched in 3 years are decked out in vanilla mogs.
Black Lotus should ALWAYS be a premium herb, however with the crazy server populations it’s just not working right now.
That’s the thing… medium servers are more populated than the most full servers in Vanilla, so a Full server now, should be nearly twice the people, but with literally not increase in Black Lotus. There were only a few raiding guilds with 40 people that would use Flasks in Vanilla per server, now you have like 10 servers worth of guilds on each full server most of which are looking to parse a bit. And then a few of those guilds, or just people with too much time, sit on black lotus spawns, or have ghosts at each spawn in a location and check them all once an hour after they find a lotus. It’s crazy how hard it is to get a lotus currently.
Invisible to ghosts would be a great change! Hands off muh herb casper!
Blizzard just needs to make it a 2-3% drop in high-level herbs.
That would make black lotus scale better with server population, and encourage the farmers to pick more herbs.