I agree with you on this, but playing devil’s advocate, would that mean that farmers would then be going for every high level herb more and thus making life more difficult for the casual player?
Inb4 you get banned for making an innocuous and objectively funny joke about China.
Casuals would get fewer herbs, but more black lotus.
Adding to my post. I think it requires a multiple-step change.
- Add more spawns.
- Quicker Respawn timer on BL
- Make it also a random bonus drop from all 250+ herbs.
Black lotus simply shouldn’t spawn as an independent herb. It was always bad game design, and creates massive scaling issues. Moreover, these scaling issues can be exploited with server transfers, where gold farmers are getting easy lotus on dead servers and then transferring them to the big servers for profit.
Black lotus needs to be a random spawn in high-level herbs. There is no other viable solution.
One other viable solution might include keeping Black Lotus exactly as it is.
The finite spawns mean that classes interested in flasking have to find a reliable way to routinely farm gold, which generally includes farming goods that they sell on the AH. This, in turn, means an influx of more items available on the AH that you wouldn’t see otherwise For example, if I didn’t need to buy so many Black Lotus, there would be considerably less elemental earth on the market come AQ40, because I’ve farmed up 40 stacks of it to pay for my future consumable costs.
Limiting the availability of the most powerful and desirable items is exactly why you see so many players from hardcore guilds out farming on a routine basis. The world would be much more dead if everyone had an easy time farming up all of their own consumables themselves.
EDIT: Also if Black Lotus were easier to acquire for you, they’d be easier to acquire for everyone, and thus their value would decrease. What you really want is for you specifically to have an easier time finding them at their current price. If the game were changed so that you found about twice as many Lotus as you do now, the price would likely decrease by about 50%.
It is not a viable solution at all because BL spawns were never adjusted from original Vanilla spawns which were balanced for a server of only 3K players. When Classic came out with 10K server pops, the spawns should have been adjusted compensatory to that.
You sound like someone who does not want their cash cow to get nerf’d to me.
By your logic we should double the spawn rate to 2 hours. Naa, make only one spawn per day.
100% this is not happening…
1st off… full-time gold farmers arent running around farming Black Lotuses even on dead servers. There are just waaaay more consistent/easy ways to make gold, particularly on a dead server.
People arent going to spend $30 round trip, on top of the 3 day cooldown, just to have a marginally easier time with a sub-optimal farming method
Really? You got that from this?
Walk me through your thought process, slugger. This time with a little less hostility, if you think you can manage it.
Be honest, how long did you think about that before posting it? By my logic, we should not reduce OR increase the spawn rate, as evidenced by my saying “keeping Black Lotus exactly as it is.”
Limiting the availability of the best items is objectively good. This does not mean that they should become so scarce that you hardly ever even see them being sold, and when they do, they go for hundreds upon hundreds of gold.
By the way – what you’re all doing right now is asking for Blizzard to make the game easier. They already did that. It’s called Warlords of Draenor. You should try it, I hear it’s a hit.
There are plenty of people who bought up cheap black lotus from dead servers before they transferred so they could sell for profit. And you don’t have to transfer your farm character, you just transfer a bank.
A character loaded down with black lotus transferring to Herod could have made thousands of real dollars from the price difference.
What would a lvl 13 player know about black lotus scarcity?
Like wouldn’t you just get headshot immediately entering the zones where it spawns?
Shouldnt have as big an affect as you’re claiming. If what you’re saying was true, every other desirable item should be equally inflated.
That’s not the case… because as demand has increased so has the supply of people farming. Assuming an herbalist will always pick an herb when it pops, more people means more herbs being farmed/popping, which means higher % of Black Lotus. This is further influenced by the fact the number of people out farming them grows as the price increases, further increasing supply
You’re absolutely correct. It’s just awful. That’s why I buy my Lotus on the auction house, as I stated above, twice.
How many sheep does Doonga need to cull/sheer to afford a 100g black lotus?!?!
Explain the economics to me (it’s Friday and I’m between destinations).
Oh jeez how on earth did this insufferably snarky, self-satisfied, conformist belch of a response escape my radar the first time? I bet your guild chat is an absolute party.
I’m fine with black lotus being scarce, but what is causing the issue with black lotus is their lack of scaling, especially since Classic servers are a lot bigger than vanilla servers.
You need a solution that scales. Especially one where mafias with timers can’t collude to monopolize every spawn.
Didn’t they adjust the respawn rate so that it now varies randomly between 45 and 70 minutes?
I could be wrong, that’s just what I’ve heard people say. I’ll go look for a blue post on it now.
What does that have to do with scaling?
It averages out to an increase in the total number of Lotus spawning per zone, per day (again, if that change actually happened).