Black Lotus

If a Gnome moos in Elwynn Forest, does it make a sound?

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Yesā€¦ but only Chucktaurus can hear it.


I was wondering what that was.

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A flask of Supreme Power alone requires 40 herbs not black lotus, and you get 2 herbs on average for each node. And most herbs go to consumables that arenā€™t flasks. Which means black lotus should be about 1 in 40 to 1 in 60 in high-level herbs.

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Iā€™ve seen 2, got the first one, the 2nd was ā€œstolenā€ while I fought the mob standing on it.

Must admit I like the idea of random spawn locations and an increase in spawns.

Where the heck were you herbing to get 5 stacks in 2 hours?


Unā€™goro and Azshara. It was one of those freak runs where most of the picks were 3 herbs. Usually 3-3.5 stacks is a good run. I also didnā€™t see as many players in Unā€™goroā€¦ presumably due to raid night.

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Im not sure what their reasoning for making the population 10x the original servers were but leave all the spawn times the same. WTF?!? How does Blizz not see this as a problem?!?

I herb ALOT.

I have not seen a single Black Lotus. I know a guy who has collecting them down to a science. This is dumb and needs rectified. Having to login at 4am is bad enough for Azuregos.


Same in between grinds iā€™ll make herb runs & sometimes dedicate entire hours to pure herb runsā€¦never ever have seen a single lotus yet. The second they spawn thereā€™s already a player/bot with a timer up and picking it.
Random spawns within other herbs wouldnā€™t be a bad ideaā€¦ would be like golden pearlsā€¦ however I think just increasing spawn times and mixing up spawn points a bit would rectify the issue.

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I saw one, back in 2006. So weā€™re due for a respawn soon.


STOPā€¦ BUYINGā€¦ THEM!!! flasks are not necessary for current content and after a couple weeks they wont be ā€œneededā€ for BWL either.

if you stop buying them the bots will do something else.

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ive found 5 lotus, all were found during early morning hours 5-7am while i was just running BL node to node and stopping for nothing else.

Had 3 sniped this week while killing the elite. 1 by horde, thatā€™s fine. 2 others by ally.

Same here.

Flasks are a requirement for any good progression guild.


We clear MC in less than 2 hours without flasks.

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Not for MCā€¦ for BWL if itā€™s ā€œprogressionā€ youā€™re required to flask.

flasks are great, but not required, theyre only mandated for logs/parsing guilds who NEED to feed their egos.

like if youā€™re wiping, then flasks help you not do that. but once you understand content and no longer wipe. flasks are literally a waste of gold to rank higher than others, which is stupid. if youā€™re not first youā€™re last.

becauseā€¦ youll never be a ā€œfirstā€ or highest ranked speed runner guild unless you have 40 specific classes, a bear is better threat and damage than a warrior 100% single target. having a warrior tank hurts your speed run.

in fact, not getting an unusal amount of crits like 70% average across the team then theres room for improvement in your run until you eventually get lucky. which is why trying to aim for first is just stupid.