Black Lotus

Of course it does, why did they make the change in the first place? Are Blizzard wimpy children bowing down to forum posters? Or did they make the change because they realized there was an issue? Pretty obvious that in either circumstance, a second change is coming.


That would be the same crappy devs changing the game.


Never gonna happen. Keep crying bud.

I’m winning. GDKPs are banned.

What have you accomplished besides tears?

All I see is winning. I got what I wanted, you didn’t.

GDKPs are completely legal on era actually… Sooo sure man

And I’m winning… I get my full buffs, consumes, and dual spec on anniversary.

Exactly how the original devs intended.

They said so in a podcast they wish dual spec was in the game just didn’t have time. Thanks to our amazing new devs to figure it out for us :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No one plays era.


You are losing. No GDKP for you :frowning:

You have to show up to raid and hope you get gear over other people. And you won’t.

Ahhh all these buffs and consumes… Yummy

Exactly how the game was intended.

Get rekt

Oh you mean the ones I don’t have to get?

Seems like I’m winning still.

Bro you are literally barking up the wrong tree.

Look through my post history and I 100% was cheering gdkp ban in anniversary bhahahaha.

You are so dumb it’s fascinating . I do not support GDKP I’ve been extremely vocal about this.

Keep taking the Ls

You mean the W’s where I got GDKP banned and got buffs in raid banned for a period of time in SoM.

Don’t worry I’ll get world buffs banned in raids.

TBC bans them so I automatically win at the end of this year.

No more consume stacking for you in TBC either :frowning:

Theres a GDKP on Saturday on Nightslayer at 6pm server. I won’t be attending, but 40 other people will.

You didn’t do anything lol.

The banned buffs and som flopped tremendously.

Grats tho on being wrong… again and again… just keep assuming because that’s all you have.

That and your dog water level IQ bahahahah

Ok I’ll report it then.

GDKPs are banned. Thanks for the heads up.

Blizzard doesn’t tolerate people trying to get around the GDKP ban. They said so in their original posts. Any attempted work around is a ban.

Incorrect, the raid changes killed SoM not buffs being gone.

Again you prove you don’t understand this game or why it’s good.

Poor taste.

There is 100% GDKPs going on… you’ll never know who does them because they don’t advertise in game.

So good luck

There isn’t GDKP going on, just people pretending there is online for cred.

You aren’t anyone important in game. No one believes you.

You are some keyboard warrior with a bad avatar and bad game tastes.

Projecting much?

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Nobody is getting Elombuxxx for ‘engagement’ on the WoW forums.

Head meet sand.

their customer service is great.

The players have done enough damage with the anima drought. It’s no surprising they’ll do the same in Classic.

I know what they said, I’m asking if they actually did it.

Yea, I think they have because I have actually been able to pick a few since the change.