I’m so tired of hearing about this sh!t. all anybody ever does is b!tch and moan. bots this, black lotus that, change this, cater to me, gdkps suck, no gdkps are good… it’s all so tiring
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
Blizz doesn’t gaf about anything in anniversary or anything classic for that matter. Easiest fix would be to actually make more servers or hire GM neither of what they’re going to do now bc all they care about is the bottom line. Eventually it might get fixed with Microsoft don’t gaf anymore about the game making money and just want hold the game license
oh in that case put the fries in the bag plz
There are like 5 people clearly running a black lotus botting operation who spend all day on the forum defending the price of lotus. 300g in phase 2 is not normal. They need to fix the supply.
this this is the real solution
We don’t need multiple deadservers just so parse-monkeys can – in theory – pay less for Black Lotii.
the thing i realy hate about the layering, is that its consatntly at a maximum population it seems like.
there is never really a “down time” on the server because the three layers by default are always so full. more layers and 1hr cooldown on layer swapping might help increase the supply a bit. no changes would realy have to be made to lotus itself.
but i suppose the bots will just make more bots to fill the layers perhaps
I don’t care what they intended. Am I playing what they intended or am I playing what they gave me. You arguing that peoples intent was more important than what happened. The road to hell is paved with intentions brother.
500 gold a flask on my server. Two found black lotus can almost buy you ,an epic mount. So I farm gold to buy them, to pay gold farming bots, that are against the rules. So they can sell it back to people, you aren’t doing anything about. Also against the rules. So what is true? They are letting people break the rules and it’s screwing everyone over. I don’t have 3 or 4 days a week to farm to make that gold according to the rules. And if you say ,well don’t take one every week. So, I’m not allowed to play the game as given to me? Because they are too busy not enforcing rules. Because the rule breakers pay you money? I know its too much work to tweak it right.