Black Lotus Solution

It is your opinion that this is a problem. It is also your opinion that Blizzard has a duty to fix this problem, by changing Classic WoW.

Blizzard has not agreed with either of these opinions. I don’t agree with either of these opinions.

But you offer good suggestions, if Blizzard changes their policy.

Making Black Lotus randomly drop off high-level herbs like OP described would be the best move since it would effectively eliminate Black Lotus mafias from controlling the supply and price gouging players.


Classic WoW is not Vanilla WoW. Same core game yes, but a lot is different including the realm populations as well as the sheer number of players who are raiding in Classic compared to the number that raided in Vanilla. Lotus prices are double to triple what they were on my high pop realm back in Vanilla.

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Increasing the spawn rate is a bad idea. It will only lead to a few bots/people camping every single node in the game, and totally controlling all black lotus supplies.

The same thing that happened w/ devilsaur early on, but Black Lotus will be valuable until the end of Classic.

At one hour random spawns, people already spawn camp these nodes. The last person to pick the Black Lotus is the only person who knows when the next one will spawn, thus them and 3-4 other people can effectively get every single spawn until they tire of it.

Increased spawn rates will make it worse.

Best idea was to was to make it a %chance when looting other high level herbs.

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Adding the chance for them to drop off all other high level herbs makes a lot of sense, but lowering the spawn times and making them less static isn’t a bad idea either. If the spawn time is a moving target it’s harder to camp.

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Please blizzard make this happen

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I think if you guys knew how this worked… you’d understand why I don’t think it should change at all. I just think you have to look at things realistically. Maybe you arnt getting any picks because you arnt willing to do more than the guy who wants it more. In 3 zones, there are 3 locations that a lotus will spawn, once per hour. In that hour, there is a more specific time window when they can spawn, but at a random time window. So in 1 hour, 1 lotus per zone will spawn, until it is picked. In that hour, there is a timeframe when the lotus will 100% not be spawned in, for the rest of the time, there is a 100% chance it can spawn in, any where, any time.
And yes, Without getting into too much detail, in that time window, there are at least 5 more time windows to consider. If you still think that your not wrong, and this isn’t remotely how it works… ask yourself if it’s worth as much effort as it sounds like.
3 zonez total, 30 spots to check, all on a random time system, with a result of 1 per zone. Per hour.
All that work for maybe 1. Worth? 1 lotus, say is on avg 75g. Seems like an impossible amount of work for a 75g ROI.
What about, all three zones, and getting all 3 lotus? What about all 3 lotus in the hour, for 3 hours? Or 24 hours…
3 lotus, 1 hour, 225g. I guess it depends how much effort your willing to put in for the market value of 1-3 black lotus, per hour.

i had a lucky day. I found 7 and got picks on 6. Just doing my Winterspring rep grinding. Normally dont happen.

He’s not saying it’s easy. Everything he said is legitimately 100% correct. You just don’t understand, how much you are devaluing 2 key parts of what he willingly told you.

“a working knowledge of the lotus route, and a timer.”
Which can be as little as you know about it, or how much he knows about it. And the less he says, the more he knows. You think, that he said it was easy…? No… he just told you why it’s far from it.

Then you said it’s a real issue. I think your whole post could have been you just saying that, and maybe the next part about it being a real issue because yeah, that’s basically it. I stopped reading but none of this adds up and yea, it wasn’t right so I figured the rest wasn’t either. You said it yourself, literally. (Not trying to sound rude). Your problem is, you’ve only seen 2. You said that, then I see you have a bunch of solutions. Those are cool but yea… you only really need 1. And it’s not anything complicated like you think. Stop trying to solve the problem by changing the things that effect the problem you have.

  1. I’ve seen 2…, this is a problem. That’s your problem.
    And you can tell me all of the reasons why you can’t change the problem… then don’t change your problem, change the way you solve it.

Mind blowing thought. How about everyone not have black lotus. Or, adapt. Solve your own problems instead of complaining to the company or have someone else fix it for you.

No, if they just put them back in AV, like how it was in vanilla, it would be a non-issue.

How many of you have actually tried to farm them? Actually spent the time to go out, discover what works, what doesnt? This is a symptom of the retail mindset where anything that takes effort must be nerfed until the average casual can do it. I have picked over 200 lotus, at the cost of hours and hours of farming, gold, and much pvp. Black lotus was meant to be rare, and it should stay rare. Instead of just nerfing it into the ground so “everyone” can farm it or have it, it needs to stay rare, otherwise we have retail but at level 60 with 15 year old bosses.


Mind blowing thought. How about everyone not have black lotus. Or, adapt. Solve your own problems instead of complaining to the company or have someone else fix it for you.

Obviously, it is hard for you to read and comprehend what you read and everything on these forums seems like complaining to you, but when you actually read (and comprehend) the original post, you’ll see this is a SUGGESTION and not a complaint.

Nah. From someone whose never gotten a black lotus before. I think the nodes should be left alone.

No to adding a chance for black lotus drops to regular nodes. For people who actually want other herbs, this would be even worse as everything will be farmed and just for the chance of a black lotus.

No having the node respawn time reduce dynamically with server populations. Higher toon numbers doesn’t mean equally higher players. On my server, there are character trains of players. This is 6+ characters (meaning accounts) owned by one player.

Diamonds are rare, we don’t complain to nature to reduce the scarcity.

I actually think they should increase the time between spawns on heavily populated servers. It would promote more player interactions at the spawn locations.

What’s the problem? Can’t you play the game without Black Lotus?


I have picked over 200 lotus

Yeah…sure you have…probably on that retail character, right?

Changing the spawn rate on high pop servers would bring it more in line to the availability that existed in Vanilla.

Instead, we have gold farmers/sellers farming black lotus on low pop servers and then using paid character transfers to bring them to high pop servers, making tons of gold/money in the process…

So salty, you must not have picked any. And no, not on retail. Honestly, if you change the spawn rate to 3x, that means the farmers are just going to get 3x the amount. If you dont put in the time to learn how its done, tripling the number spawned isnt going to help you get any yourself. I can see how retail got the way it is with the attitude you bring along.

Also if you played vanilla, you would know that hardly anyone outside of super hardcore guilds flasked to begin with. My entire server, lightnings blade, didnt have a guild that consistently flasked, so the “availability” of lotus and flasks in vanilla is on par with classic, if not less so, because noone made them, and noone used them, outside of a select few hardcore guilds. And few, if any, of the guilds in classic can be defined as hardcore.

So salty, you must not have picked any

Obvious. Troll is obvious.