Black Lotus Solution

I will keep this short as everyone should now be aware of the Black Lotus issues on high pop servers.

The easiest solution would be to change the spawn rate of Black Lotus from 1 an hour per zone to 1 every 20-30 minutes per zone. This change would still hold true the Vanilla concept.

The best solution (in my opinion) would be to remove Black Lotus nodes and make Black Lotus an extra herb that can randomly show up in Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom and Icecap nodes. Similar to how Swiftthistle spawns with Mageroyal and Briarthorn.

Either of these changes would help balance out the changes to the increased server populations in Classic compared to Vanilla.


Should have their respawn rates changed in proportion to server pop


As measured how? Active raiders? But a dynamic spawn rate based on population does seem like an interesting idea.

Maybe active server log ins on an average for the week? We adjusted spawns on Light’s Hope for this very reason.

It didn’t flood or crash a market. Just made things a little more normal.


Just wait for ZG. Problem will fix itself.


I think this is the best solution. The higher the population the lower the respawn timer. At 5000 players it should be an hour, at 10,000 it should be 30 minutes and continue to decrease it by a multiplier based on how much further over vanilla cap the server is. To a reasonable minimum of course.


This works for me. But we have several times the vanilla pop with vanilla respawns, something should change to account for that

It might be, but there may also be positive sides to having all servers have the same spawn rates, regardless of population, e.g. attracting migrants.

How many servers would that represent? Were transfers a thing on private servers?

When classic first released I actually thought this was how it always worked. My memory is bad.

It makes sense, and would remove the bots & spawn camping problem.

No keep it rare

I disagree. The players should adjust to the environment, the environment shouldn’t adjust to the players.

A one time spawn rate change respective to the ratio of increased server caps is warranted though.


Could you explain how it would remove bots & spawn camping?

There would be potentially far more spawn points to camp, but just like a sharable table of node spawn points used for any gathering addon, I’d imagine it would only change the scale, i.e. increase bots & spawn camping.

Black lotus has specific spawn locations. That means there are very few places it can be looted, thus easy to camp. But if its distributed via random chance at thousands of locations, it wouldn’t be possible to control the source.


Honestly, I don’t want an inauthentic vanilla experience. Problem is we already have this in the sense that the larger player caps make black lotus (and plenty of other resources) rarer then we would have otherwise seen in vanilla.

I would like the solution to bring us back towards being authentic, and I feel that doing something rash like making the respawn 15 minutes on a very low pop server would then make the experience inauthentic on that specific server.

Wouldn’t it still only be maybe 10s of locations at most?

If it dropped randomly from high level herbs?

A comparison would be arcane crystals, which dont have separate spawn locations.


Are there thousands of potential spawn nodes for these 3 herbs?

I see what you’re saying though. You would have to have bots farming these nodes and potentially discarding anything that doesn’t proc Black Lotus, as opposed to having known spawn nodes specifically for Black Lotus, also with predictable spawn times.

Supply and demand.
If there are more lotus in the market the price will come down and it will no longer be a viable source for gold farming. The bots will move to a more profitable gold source.
This higher the price the more likely that the bots will farm it.

That is indeed a good solution but not one that has a place in Classic WoW.

For me, this isn’t about adjusting anything other than towards what is the most vanilla-like authentic experience. Adjusting spawns based on player population would help mitigate the current inauthentic problem of servers with 5x the vanilla caps causing greater resource starvation than was possible in vanilla. Furthermore it changes it in a way that doesn’t do the exact opposite on lower pop servers that may only be 2x over the original cap.

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