Black Lotus Solution

BL wasn’t the only prices that went up. I was literally standing in the AH buying Dreamfoil for 15g a stack and Silversage for 10-12g a stack. Elemental Fire 2-2.5g per and then making Greater Fire/Arcane Elixir pots at a rough cost of 2.5-3g per and selling them for 4-4.5g per… making 100-150g an hour.

Standing in the AH.

Can’t do that anymore though. Profit is gone. Dreamfoil and elemental fire prices have doubled. I’ll go farm it myself before I pay 25-30g per stack and make pots at 0 profit.

All because of the BWL announcement?

Active level 55+ characters.

This is data blizzard surely has :stuck_out_tongue:

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Everyone keeps talking about black lotus issues. I’m on a very high pop realm (Fairbanks). The 2nd or 3rd most populated if I’m not mistaken. With a bit of gold farming I can easily buy up enough black lotus to keep myself flasked for 6 hours/week at 100-110g per black lotus. If I push it I can buy enough to stay flasked for 14+ hours per week.

Maybe it’s just because people aren’t heavily using flasks yet, but I don’t see a problem. Farming 500g a week is not hard.

While I am somewhat in favor of this, you have to acknowledge that everything that is gathered on the server is also affected by the server population. This brings up the whole #nochanges slippery slope. If they change black lotus, what is next? More rich thorium for arcane crystals and increased normal herb spawns? Mountain Silversage is 20g/stack on my server and is definitely not authentic.

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Rich thorium already has some dynamic respawn mechanism. There’s always at least 1 rich node at a time in EPL, for example. When someone grabs the last one another instantly appears.

Oh, well definitely not intentionally. Sorry if it appears that way.

It may not actually even be worth consideration, but my point was that with WoW Classic, we have idk the actual number, but maybe hundreds of thousands of players in our population, and changes to Black Lotus spawn times could affect migration patterns.

It’s possible that that would cause other undesirable effects. It’s also possible that the number of people who would transfer wouldn’t make much of a difference, but I’d imagine posts like the Stalagg would would suggest otherwise.

Perhaps. I suppose I still wonder what the issues are really. Is it that there aren’t enough Black Lotus to go around, or that the prices of them are out of whack in comparison to the amount of gold in circulation? Or is it just in comparison to prices on other servers, such as DD for example, which I assume has no issues with the amount of Black Lotus, due to its population?

transfer to a lower pop server

Listen man.

The original spawn rates of everything were determined by the original server caps.

To raise the server caps and not the spawn rates of things is already inauthentic and already constitutes a #change.

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#nochanges. This is what the no change crowd asked for.

Keep those back lotus prices at 1k per.

No you didn’t read my post :stuck_out_tongue:

It is a #change to raise the server caps and not commensurately reduce spawn times for things.

These numbers I’m about to say are all hypothetical but illustrate my point. If the original server cap was 5000 players, and black lotus was on a 24 hour respawn, and the server cap now is, say 15 000 players, then the black lotus respawn time should be 3x shorter since the player cap is 3x higher, and be 8 hours, not 24.

To increase the server cap and NOT reduce spawn times of things by an equal amount is ACTUALLY a #change.

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Black Lotus spawn rates were balanced around the population cap on servers back in Vanilla. Classic increased the population cap, but left the spawn rate the same. This means there are less Black Lotus per capita in Classic than Vanilla because there are more people per server. It isn’t a hard concept to understand.

You think you can continue to farm 500g a week right now, but watch when the Black Lotus cost 500g each, then what? There is not enough Black Lotus to sustain the population limits on Classic Servers. This will become even a bigger issue with AQ 40 and Naxx…


This undead gets it.

But I’d go a step further and say the respawn timers on everything from copper ore to Kazzak should be reduced by the same amount that the server population cap was increased.

This would keep the economy in near-perfect parity to what it was in vanilla.


That’s entirely dependant on the population at that time, which is almost certain to drop significantly from what it is now.

That’s precisely why I’m hoarding them now. But I really doubt they’ll get that high.

You have literally contributed nothing constructive to this conversation. Congrats!

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Jist a friendly reminder that flasks are NOT needed for classic wow.

we are in the post naxx pre tbc patch.

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No, if they just fixed AV to have herbs spawn, there’s no issue at all.

They gave us a BS AV with no herbs at all, which is NOT how it was in vanilla. In vanilla, there was a black lotus spawn in the center of every AV, as well as Dreamfoil, Wintersbite, Mountain Silversage, Ice Cap, and Golden Sansam all over… They screwed us hard.

then why are the sever’s not capped at 2500?

I’m kinda dominating the lotus scene. Best to nochanges. I like staying on top

How so? I’m a bit lost here.

The economy is great at the moment. Increasing spawn rates would crash it to the ground.