Black Blood Elves

I’m excited always been a sucker for dark elves.

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I’m looking forward to the additional customization and seeing some color in the game.

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You be tellin dah truth broda

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How come elf lives matter only when they are killed in pvp by non elves, if elf lives truly mattered wouldnt they be out there trying to stop elf on elf crime? no all we get is silence but the number one killer of elves is other elves


See I don’t mind this myself (being described as food) being fair skinned but as a writer ended up changing food descriptors for all (I used it for all skin tones, and things like caramel, coffee, chocolate, cream, and vanilla). I see different stuff being said depending on who’s talking.

Anyway, I too am excited for more options, looking forward to seeing everyone’s characters look amazing!

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You get a thumbs up for not being a negative Nancy :smiley: Still baffles me people are salty about options still. ._.

Looking forward to more verity myself being introduced with SL. However, introducing these changes now, especially basing it on “everything going on in the world” would be an unwise action. Unfortunately matters were quickly politicized (almost always are). I believe bringing politics into the game is against the CC for players. Blizzard does control the game and everything with it, but reacting to what could be considered political issues is not a good idea. The fact that so much is currently in a state of unrest right now doesn’t help. Fortunately SL is already inbound prior to the current state, providing a safe way for Blizzard to provide the changes without appearing to get involved with matters.

im ready to go black it’s not too bad of an idea for an elf its kinda like the Drow of d&d

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Players like myself don’t really like change , but once players get the skin Tones for Humans and Elves , than they will be asking for skin tones for all races . That’s when things start to turn ugly .
WoW will no longer be World of Warcraft , but World of Simcraft .

I’d love for the new customization options to just be rolled out now as well, it would give me a bit more incentive to level the characters now. I know the 100% xp boost is active but like in SL we are going to be leveling even faster than that,

Yay! Representation and inclusion are just so important, and so is choice!

It’s going to be great making our characters look unique.

I’m really hoping for some very long hair options for the females. (Especially my Blood Elves.) I’ve been growing my own hair for years and it reaches my waist, I’ve always liked long hair. (And loose hair, not tied in bands or buns.)

BE males have longer hair than the females!

Not necessarily,one big thing people loved about RPGs was the vast amounts of customization which can make your character look as unique as you’d like them. Sometimes change is good because if you keep things the same too long not only will it lead to stagnancy,but it would lose appeal to old and new player alike. In making a product you not only have to appease the old guard but newcomers whose interests have been piqued in trying it out. Options are always a good thing because let’s be real here [I’ll say this with D&D terminology],being railroaded in any way shape or form in a game is never fun be it being forced to go only one right path or being locked into one option and ONLY one option in customization [IE- a race and gender locked campaign with no magic classes allowed]. Change is often necessary to keep things fresh.


Honestly, fantasy games would only win if they never had any humanoid races. Only monster races. Then everyone is on same level of non-representation and have to use their imagination to play fantasy game.

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So. Night elves? Or what was the other one. Void Elf? They’re dark.

What causes the difference in skin tones between us humans in reality? Could the same happen to blood elves?

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I suppose that’s better than being yogurt, or white rice :face_with_monocle:

I learned a lot from this website in particular during my creative writing classes. But at the end of the day, I think as long as we are respecting boundaries, we are doing alright! And if you’re respecting your friends boundaries, good on you.

[Describing skin color]

Particular the post:


This post, written by a person of color, expresses the danger of using food to describe skin tone, as well as other more creative ways to describe skin that aren’t seem as offensive! :slight_smile: these were things I didn’t know a few years ago and unfortunately, it took an entire group of colored students in my writing class to correct me. I’m glad they did. :heart:

Deep down we all are black people. Just we appear different cause of how the sun affect our skin but I main first civilization came from Affrica so

I laughed, ELVES LIVES MATTER! You got my support.

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Hey if you want to be brown, you be brown - i’ll be furry.

That’s… No, that’s not how that works.

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still the best though :cow:

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