Black Blood Elves

It’s still pretty funny honestly. If someone I knew took themselves that seriously I’m sure we wouldn’t be spending a lot of time chatting about appropriate use of descriptors so less room for me to offend.

Fetishizes :laughing:

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Just to know what elves really were in mythology and why having black elves may not fit. This is game sure and as more options we get as better .I am black myself but I am someone who loves mythology and it is reason why I play wow. Geography is something that affects cultures and people, elves were specific race for reason. Just like I don’t think white or black orcs will be good thing, I feel same way for elves, just my opinion.

h ttps://

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Norse Mythology doesn’t apply to Warcraft.

This is the human skin tone debate all over again, it just can’t apply here. Look at the titan constructs in Uldum and Pandaria compared to Northrend. The Titans and their creations span multiple mythologies.

Trying to apply mythology to elves since High Elves came from Night Elves who came from Trolls, who were certainly not white people, is silly.

Well then yes. I just wanted to bring some information about elves in mythology. This is game after all and its all pixels,Blizzard gives what player base wants to play.

i’m so excited for my black skin void elf… i personally like void elfs more than blood elfs and am excited to be apart of a newer race that will likely have lots of story in the future.


Yes please I would like to be a dark elf.

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A person from South Africa can be quite white. But if he becomes an American, he would be an African-American. But he would probably choose to be just called an American as he would no longer be African… hmmm

Dark skin doesn’t mean black. I don’t know why people keep thinking this, but I will say I like the idea of making a dark elf like character.

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It’s great to have options. I have alts that I don’t play. I have a couple of humans from vanilla that are dark. I made a dark Mag’har to see if I liked playing him. Probably won’t continue. My one void elf will remain blue. My two Blood Elves will likely not change. Priest not, but I’ll think about the demon Hunter though.

That may be the one toon that takes advantage of the new skin.

YAY for black elves!

I am SO excited for these additions. :star_struck:

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North Africans are Mediterranean peoples, with a lot of admixture of many ethnicities, like Berber, Arabs, Levant people, Egyptians, and plenty others. Culturally most identify as Arab.


Doesn’t matter what color, elves are still elves, the race that deserves to be cooked in a pot.


I’d like to see you try!

We’re trolls we like elves, on a platter with a side of gravy. Also two words, Turtle shells.

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I think the super dark one looks out of place on the hyper Caucasian phenotype that belves have, but I’m deffo gonna become a wrathion-style tanned lad next expac

I think the new customizations are going to be amazing!

All my chocolate friends agree being delicious sounds better than a more racist terms like black.

You’re vanilla. deal with it. :wink:

I do like drow elves.

And they look really good. The dark-skinned blood elves are nicer-looking than the pale ones imo. I’m going to take my velf from a blueberry to a blackberry.


Honestly, High Elves/Blood Elves are the WoW equivalent of Sun Elves in fantasy and it makes no sense for them to be pale to begin with.
So I’m really happy that they’re getting darker complexions.