Black Blood Elves

Actually yeah it is. Just that with time it become in your DNA and it is passed out. But yeah it is

I love the new customization as well. But at the same time we’re going to have to wait until pre-patch until its added. Which sucks, but it’s understandable.

As a Black myself like the OP, no one I know uses the phrase “person of color.” I don’t know when that trend started, but it was after my generation because I never heard it growing up.

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As for actual civilization, there are new finds every day: we’re having to push the timeline farther and farther back. Example: the Indus river coastline has VERY ancient ruins just under the water, dating back farther than even the Sumerians.

Africa may contain the earliest fossils of humanity( so far) but civilization, as we know it, has shown to have other first locations.


Your DNA changes. It’s not “we’re black we just look different in the sun”. I’m 100% white.


I still want a reason for the black/charred elves. Like they are distant cousins that live near a volcano or something.


Stayed too long near the SUNwell without SPF 55?

You totally sure of that? Too many peoples have been quite surprised to find an odd branch or two on the family tree.

The fun begins at 3:53.

i think they could have done more like with humans, by giving them more facial options. don’t get me wrong, it’s very nice that dark skin is available, but it just feels kind of eh when what you get is more or less “dark skinned person with caucasian features”

I’m really looking forward to the customizations, I for one will be giving my Orc tattoos and scars. I feel like they could have added this much earlier, I don’t want my Orc looking exactly like every other orc, even if he is wearing a suit of armour.

Other rpgs have much more customization but i’m happy WoW is starting to follow suit and that they’re adding a variety of skin tones for races. With such a massive MMO played around the world people will be able to feel more immersed in their characters and not stuck on a few different skin tones in the races they like.

I can’t wait to see Black/Brown Elves running around on both sides. Void Elves and Blood Elves on the Alliance and the Horde.

Diversity is good but if it makes sense, elves are a different species entirely so how would giving them black skin tone and facial features pertaining to black people make any sense lore wise?

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so you guys just going to ingore the
 overt racism of this guy? he cant wait to spit on elves because they are now brown.

Drow elves are a thing and some of us love hanging around the Sunwell.

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