Black Blood Elves

The word black describes people with a sub-Saharan African descent. It’s a commonly used term. Nobody finds it offensive. African American applies specifically to black Americans. Others can be black as well.


I mean now we can be hot AND dark skinned Blood Elves! I’m excited about the new customization’s.

Much love my friend. :vulcan_salute:


mmmm Chocolate elf… would be better put in a gram cracker and smore’s…


This is outrageous; that only certain elves get these options!
ALL Elves should have ALL options!
We are ONE!


Think you had one too many

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The example they showed of them with the golden eyes was just stunning and I can’t wait to customize some to like like them.

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…or not enough!
And Azeroth elves do have a common ancestor!
Skäl to our Greatfather TROLLS!

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Please stop. This isnt as inspirational as much as it is tone-deaf.


Just a friendly reminder (something I learned from my creative writing class) that it is usually not accepted by people of color to have their skin tones described as food :slight_smile: it was a mistake that I made in my writing and learned from a person of color that it fetishizes their skin.

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There are no absolutes.

I know plenty of people of color who could care less if their skin is referred to as ebony, black, chocolate, caramel, dark, whatever.

It’s playing language police over trivial issues.

Fetishizes… please :laughing:

It’s so ridiculously harlequin to begin with it’s almost an argument out of time. Admiral manlyman sheathed his cutlass and swept her off her feet and stroked her creamy white backside with his manly seafaring hands :smiley:

Chocolate elves all day. More the merrier


Week said! :clap:t5:

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Really? I did not know that. What are people north of it called?

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Of all the people I NEVER thought would need to see a ‘.sarc’ tag…

Love it, love all the new options! Give me more weave styles on all my races too!!!

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i cant wait for the new customization options. ill finally be able to make a fair skinned blonde blue eyed elf

Well I want to make a black Human Paladin like Diablo 2.

What I hope is they do a proper job with the facial structure, because of course it’s not just darker skin.

Even sarcastic or not…its poor taste at the current time.


I mean, I’m not attacking anyone’s character. Nor am I calling anyone a bad person for using the words to describe skin. I’m simply stating that in my experience, people of color have expressed that they dislike it. Maybe there are also people of color who could care less. It’s a precautionary tale.

It’s a fair point. I wouldn’t intentionally hurt someones feelings by using it if I knew it bothered them. It just seemed funny in the moment.

Of course. Unfortunately it usually isn’t up to us what offends people :stuck_out_tongue: that’s why it’s always best to listen and tread on the side of caution before getting to know them.