At the risk of being unkind, it’s been fascinating to watch The Narrative with Veilguard go from “Reviewers will hate it! Bioware is so cooked!” to “No one will play it!” to “Players will hate it” to “actually a fair amount of people playing it means the game is terrible and steam reviews only being from people who’ve played it is an unfair metric anyway. I promise it’s a big ol’ floparooni.”
That being said, it’s fine. It’s certainly not making me feel like I was a teenager again with my parents in the other room making snacks while I make best friends with a mabari. But it’s decent. A good time. It’s not a revelation. But so far (and I’m honestly not that far, unfortunately), I’m having fun. Which is the most important metric to me.
My husband would shank you for this game, though. He loves it and he’s way further than me. I have to admit I’m more of a Mass Effect fangirl, but it’s a good time.
Maybe not to you (or me), but there are currently 21k watching him live, and some of them trickle back here.
I may be misremembering, but I think WoT is also one of those “got too long in the tooth” sorts of series. Like I’ve always heard that the first 6 or 7 books are great, but then it takes a nosedive for 3-4 books and sorta picks up again for the final set.
The word surrounding the TV series just reminds me of how nobody ever did Earthsea justice.
Yep, and I’ll just dismiss anything they say just like I dismiss Asmongold.
Apparently he did a video recently where he said he realized what a piece of garbage he is, and would try to do better. But words mean nothing, I’ll believe it when I see it.
I read the entire series, and that’s pretty much how I felt. By the time I got to the last couple books I was basically sunk-cost at that point. Didn’t care for the ending.
Haven’t seen the series though.
It kind of aged with the writer and the new writer for the conclusion had some hiccups.
Not a terrible series, though all the fluff in the last few books didn’t really lead it to a grand triumphant ending. Still worth a read though.
people. people. this means big rigs over the road racing is peak gameplay.
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I imagine it will fall to indie games to really take us back to the days of games/projects of passion rather than metrics and bean counters.
If we go by Steam charts, Banana is peak gameplay.
EA was voted worst company
Asmongold found his niche outside of WoW: the outrage grifter market.
I can’t hold it against him, because there is a ton of money in it.
I really wish he’d at least hire a maid though.
A lot of companies are rushing to go downhill on purpose
This is accurate, actually. I’m having fun as well, got it yesterday and the hair is GREAT. So many options!
I’ve put a lot of hours into Inquisition, so I expected some terrible dialogue and general cheesiness. It’s delivered so far.
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Sorry I’m doing work stuff so can only pop in every so often.
I cant play it atm due to work / funds. Can only look at maybe gameplay footage if I have time. Was just curious as to what your boggle was with the game.

Also is the dialog resident evil (the ps1 original) level of bad or?
Hey now, re1 dialog was so bad it wrapped around to godhood!
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RE1 dialogue is peak b horror movie cheese.
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I seen a clip of comparing jokes in Dragon Age: Origin and “jokes” in DAVG and that alone told me a lot.
The dialogue from DAO was amazing. First time I played it, I couldn’t believe how many times I laughed out loud and it was definitely the first game I ever played that made me tear up. It made me tear up not once, but a few times.
Warden Cousland? Yeah that’s me. Daddy’s little girl. He couldn’t walk without me wrapped around his leg. This game came out after he passed away so the end of that origin was like a punch to the gut. But it was a good punch to the gut. It was like playing a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure on my computer.
I’ve been watching a lot of play throughs because the controversy surrounding this game is insane. It looks like the game play might be ok. It looks like the overall story is ok. But the companions and NPCs? All garbage. You can definitely tell the people that came up with Isabel, Alistair, Zevran and Morrigan either didn’t work on this game or was severely limited.
“That was too close, you were almost a jill sandwich “