Bioware. What happened to the giant?

Mass Effect Andromeda was the last game I ever preordered. It taught me a valuable lesson to wait for player reviews before purchasing triple A games. Recently the long awaited 4th Dragon Age title released and it might be the worst RPG to ever release to a Omega level RPG franchise…

It’s not a Cyberpunk(an actual masterpiece RPG)situation where the game launched buggy and unpolished to be fixed later.

The game is just bad all around.

EA bought BioWare in hopes to milk the top tier franchise IPs they owned. Since the acquisition not a single BioWare released title has been a success.

They released a statement today saying they aren’t making any DLC for the new failing Dragon Age(in name only) title and are going full speed ahead on Mass Effect 5.

Is this the future of video games? Everything good and made with passion just gets bought by mega corps and turned into soulless husks of their former selves?

Be thankful for Larian Studios and CD Projekt Red.

We are running out of actually good passionate gaming developers in the RPG genre


Asmongold just released a video about that. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Did he? I stopped watching Asmongold years ago when he stopped making content.

Ah ok. Just so many drones here that repeat asmongold and bellular takes.


I think the problem is people expect a studio to be unchanged after such a long time.

After 5-10 years, a studio is going to have completely different people.


It’s really bad. There was a post over the weekend where we expressed our thoughts, but the usual suspects came in and reported everyone and called us bigots. They didn’t give out review keys to everyone for a reason. They knew it was going to be bad.

They used a “consulting company” and they found out. Bioware as a company has completely changed as well. The new people working on this game all have the same mindset it seems. Bioware is dead unless they somehow get money for the next Mass Effect game which will be just as bad, I assume.

You combine this with terrible gameplay and RIP. Such a shame. Gaming >activism.


Good for him. I will continue my years long boycott of that clown.


They added a report option for off topic. So expect this one to be reported too.

Also, why are we talking about BioWare here? This is a blizzard forum.

I spent the weekend playing the game. It’s a good game, stop letting outrage grifters tell you how to think.


There needs to be a demo available for every game that gets put out, that way the players can get a general hands on feel for the game they wanna get.

Answered your own question. But I would say the end started with ME3 and the colossal crapfest the ending of that game was . Was a direct carbon copy from Deus Ex, right down to the color choices.

Yea. Numbers(facts) beg to differ. It’s a terrible game. I refunded it.

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My opinion is that Dragon Age was only good in the first and second games. I just couldn’t finish Inquisition. I think I got as far as meeting Morrigan and just put it down and never touched it again. I tried liking Andromeda. I beat it and it just wasn’t as good as the trilogy.

I haven’t read any reviews about Veilguard, but I’ve seen some trailers and the character creation showcase video and… honestly? I think the character designs and graphics just look bad. The overall style just looks ugly to me.

You have it flipped, the outrage grifters are just sharing “out loud” what everyone already thinks.


I mean – (I had to look it up since I won’t watch “streamers”) that unwashed streamer released this 3 days ago and this pops up on the forums?

Puh-lease – no coincidence – I am going to assume you are some or of fan.

The game is decent, not worth raising arms over for or against. But fake outrage sells more, so that’s what we get.


I would say Hogwarts Legacy was a better RPG tbh.


I’d now be up to 3 nickels, which is still not a lot but kind of weird that this thread has happened 3 times.

It’s pretty clearly an above average game with flaws based on steam reviews.

Something tells me you aren’t the “numbers(facts)” guy you think you are.


Just wait a week. Watch. Game has already had massive refunds from what we can tell.