Bioware. What happened to the giant?

All the footage I’ve seen of the game looks bad. The chiseled jawlines are over done too.

alright buddy lets go.


Thanks for proving my point.

You never made a point. You projected your ignorance onto me.

Anyone getting mad about “woke” has no idea what they’re talking about and just regurgitate whatever whining they see on the internet.

The OG FF7 would be considered woke nowadays, but you will never see it brought up.


I’m having fun.

Veilguard is a very, very Bioware game. And I mean that both as a declaration of love and an insult.

It’s got writing jank. It’s got weird bits. It’s got characters who you are 100% going to bounce off of. It’s hilarious. It’s going to tear your heart out through your esophagus and crumble it into little bits in front of you. Some parts are just weird. Sometimes your character’s only option is to say something mindbogglingly stupid and there’s no escape (“You’re just a machine! And machines can be broken”). If you go in with an open heart you will find at least 4 new babygirls (Varric chief among them). The fanbase hates it and it is literally the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone ever. The fanbase will also shank you if you suggest it’s not perfect.

Honestly, the least Bioware thing about it is that the hair… isn’t bad, actually.

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You’ve said the word “woke” more than anyone in this thread. I think one other person did before you. I told you where to go to look at player count to prove our point that the game is doing terrible and you brought up indy games for some reason.

You’re just spouting anything at this point to push whatever fake agenda it is you’re trying to push. Like most things you reply to…you’re coming as a troll/spam.

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And if a game that hasn’t released looks woke, it’s deemed doomed to fail. If it doesn’t fail, they were never actually calling it woke. Looking at ol’ Mark’s nonsense over the years shows that.

Again, see my original point. Every one of your posts on this thread re-enforces it.

Player count has nothing to do with a game’s quality. If the game is underperforming is a different matter.

You’re just spouting nonsensical things to insist you’re right.

They made the most expensive MMO flop in history… they died a year into the game forcing them to go F2P w/ microtransactions.

You’ve yet to make a point.

I’m simply mocking how everything is “woke” these days. I can say with 100% certainty that your definition is wildly different from outrage grifters on top of it.

Bioware games have been mid since ME:A, and it isn’t because of 5 minutes of woke content dragging the games down.

You’ve said “woke” more than anyone.

Irony. Anyway, good luck champ.

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Bioware got bought out and they fired all their story/lore department.

What I’m learning from this thread is that the game I’ve been playing, the remake of Silent Hill 2, is an unmitigated disaster based entirely off the fact that its’ peak Steam user count is a fraction of what DA:V has done.


Woke done right: The original wheel of time books. Prominent female characters in power, strong independent woman, evil men being corrupted and destroying the world. But it all worked, and the story was excellent.

Woke done wrong: The wheel of time TV series. That abomination took the already quite “woke” story of wheel of time, and dialed it up to 11, destroying the story in the process.

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That explains it, you don’t even understand english let alone activism.

Projection once again.

“You don’t know X” isn’t a point without a supporting argument.

It’s the common deflection these days. If you have a complaint about the media I enjoy then you only hate it because it is too “woke” or too “based” for you to handle it.

It’s not because I have bad taste.


You pointed it out for me. Thank you.

Everyone I talk to that read the books hates that I like the show. I’ll have to read the books one day.