Bioware. What happened to the giant?

Game companies think they can release one or two hits and everyone will stay loyal forever.

Truth is, Bioware had been making a lot of “misses” in their later releases and that’s why they died.

Mismanagement or something like that, maybe all the talent left and that’s why their later games kinda sucked.

Everything they made towards the end was ‘mid’ at best.

Larian studios and BG3 isn’t woke. It’s a good game with a lot of options.

I don’t take people seriously who hide behind alts on an anonymous forum. It’s weird.

Anyways, this thread is GG. They are here. Calling people names & about to start playing the victim while crying wolf is about to start.


It’s actually some of the best combat in DA’s history, making me wonder if Redrum’s even played the game.

It’s not the snorefest DA:O was and it’s a vast improvement on DA:2 and DA:I. And I’ve yet to come across anything like DA2’s “but wait, there’s more!”


I’m excited to watch those dorks flounder when Monster Hunter Wilds comes out, since all character creation and armor options are fully usable regardless of what body type you pick.

You can’t really compare a masterpiece RPG who writes good characters to a bland modern immersion breaking lecture dialogue lacking any character whatever.

Gay characters in BG3 are awesome and immersive. The stuff in DA:VG is like it’s written by an HR office manager for tolerance training


Same thing that happens to any successful company that makes a good product: the company gets bought out by rich bastards whose only interest is getting richer. They suck all the resources out of the company directly into their yachts and shareholder pockets, destroy everything that made that company and their products great, sell off the remains for parts, and move on to the next company making successful product and do it all over again.

Our current capitalism is no longer about creating for profit. It’s all about destroying for profit. Nothing good can exist long before it’s strip-mined and tossed in a ditch. There’s no plans for long term growth anymore. It’s all about the quickest buck at any cost to anyone.


Okay, so it’s not woke when you can be a nonbinary character in BG3, but it’s woke when you can be a nonbinary character in DA:VG?

Pick a lane

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I think when it comes to combat there is always going to be a divide, some like the older rtwp combat, some like the more action related

Have you played it? If so, why do you think it is bad?

There is no lane to pick. One game is good with options, one game is terrible with forced gameplay for the “modern audience”. The latter is in a ditch.

Good riddance. Gaming >activism.


Idk how you can’t tell the massive difference between the 2. You can be whatever you want to be in Cyberpunk2077 and nobody cares because it’s a good game.

DA is a bad game with terrible dialogue and shoe horned characters that break the immersion of the universe. Claire from CP2077 is based and a dope written character. Nobody cares that she’s trans because she’s well written.


But all the reviews EA carefully bought and paid for said the game was amazing and a triumphant return to form for bioware. It’s a blazing success?

Also, you know you’re not allowed to criticise the game at all due to… you know why,

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A few tweaks to Hogwarts, and that would’ve been a perfect game. Loved it, but they really needed a Fable-like system where I could play as a dark wizard, instead of just handing me evil spells that I couldn’t use on anyone. And they needed quidditch. Missed opportunities.

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I’m always amused when the “go woke go broke” folk insist media like BG3 or Arcane aren’t woke.

Speaking of Fable. I’m really hoping they don’t drop the ball on Fable 4. Could be a return to form for Xbox RPGs.

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Go look for yourself. I didn’t enjoy the combat and the dialogue is absolutely terrible. I wasn’t a big fan of the last one either but I did play it all the way through. I picked up Hogwarts the other week on sale and it’s much better. Leagues better.

The dialogue is really bad. Really, really bad.

As far as I’m concerned both sides live in make believe boxes they create in their hive minds that allow no room for nuance


BG3 was “woke” done right in a well written story narrative.

DA:VG is woke done wrong - it makes you feel like you are in grade 4 watching an after-school special be preached at in the most ham-fisted offensive (to your intelligence) way possible.

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It’s because you don’t understand what woke is.

I’m well aware of what woke is.

If a game is bad, it’s woke. If a game is good, it isn’t woke. That’s how it works for the outrage grifters.